- Celery: vegetable with obvious advantages
- Root
- Beneficial features
- Value vegetable
- Application for medicinal purposes
- Contraindications
- Dietary soup
- The anti-edema
- Forum
The value of celery
Celery Latin name adopted in botany, - Apium graveolens. The most valuable part of celery - elastic crunchy stems and fleshy root. Celery seeds are also used in cooking as a seasoning. In addition, celery seeds contain a useful oil, which is widely used in perfumery and pharmacy. Celery salt prepared from celery roots. Celery salt - a rich source of organic sodium, which increases the digestibility of nutrients.
Apart from the nutritional, celery, and has medicinal value, because:
- Is an excellent source of vitamin A, K, C and beta-carotene.
- It is a source of dietary fiber, riboflavin and chlorophyll.
- It contains folate potassium, flavonoids, vitamin B6
- It is containing many of important minerals such as potassium, zinc, calcium, iron, phosphorus, magnesium, vitamin B, PP, E and provitamin A.
- Do not keep fat.
- Contains a minor amount of sodium is cholesterol.
The healing properties has primarily raw celery. It is useful in diseases of the stomach, rheumatism, obesity, diseases of the bladder. Salads and juices of celery are an excellent tool for maintaining good health (detoxify the body from toxins).
Calorie celery
Only two thin celery contain 15% of the daily recommended dosage of vitamin A and 15% of vitamin C. Two tablespoons of celery contain only 2, 7 calories and provide the body with more than 150% of the recommended daily doses of vitamins. One hundred grams of raw celery contains only 16 calories.
The benefits of celery
If the celery, which a lot of potassium, carotene, essential oils, even just to add to salads, the health benefits have to be invaluable. Still, the healing properties of celery is not good to know a little more.
- Celery contains a balanced amount of essential minerals, vitamins and nutrients.
- Vitamin C - the strongest antioxidant. Celery is rich in vitamin C, protects against many types of cancer, strengthens the immune system and helps to overcome the symptoms of colds.
- Flavonoids also have antioxidant properties. Celery is rich in flavonoids also protect against cancer, atherosclerosis and thrombosis.
- According to studies, celery has the property of lowering the pressure, due to a high content of calcium. To enhance the effect, consume in the food raw celery.
- Celery also contains active compounds, relaxing muscles and reducing levels of stress hormones.
- Celery helps to remove toxins from the body. It neutralizes carcinogens contained in tobacco and cigarette smoke.
- Thanks to excellent diuretic properties of celery helps in the treatment of infectious diseases of the genitourinary system, and inflammation of the joints.
- Celery contains a large amount of water, which makes it an excellent product for the diet. Celery not recover from that due to a combination of low calorie and high fiber content (prevents hunger).
- Celery contains a small amount of carbohydrate, so is ideal for diabetics diet.
- Celery has beneficial effects on the nervous system. It contains essential oils soothe and relieve tension.
- Contained in celery nutrients beneficial to healthy skin
Health skin - status indicator organism
, Hair
Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
and eye.
- Celery juice perfectly cleanses the blood, cures the most "stubborn" disease of the skin.
- Celery juice is also helpful for arthritis.
- Celery juice with a tablespoon of honey
The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
before meals suppresses apatite, improves digestion and strengthens the immune system.
- Celery juice - a natural refrigerant. A teaspoon of fresh juice celery enough to completely do not feel the heat, especially in humid climates.
- Celery is also a strong natural aphrodisiac and helps restore libido.
- Celery juice helps in the treatment of ophthalmic diseases.
Read more
Application for medicinal purposes
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