Carla Marins played a very long romantic young girls. Delilah from "Tropikanka" in 1994, later Joyce in "Love Story," Nancy "Vila Madalena", known here as "quiet passion Mary Magdalene." And, finally, before the age of 33 years, the actress began to get rid of the role of young girls. In the story "Port of Miracles", which recently ended in Brazil, Carla role corresponding to her age - she plays a caring mother and loving wife (unfortunately, became a widow). "The first time I was faced with such a role, but I felt the strength that certainly can handle" - Karl believes in himself.

Despite the new role, the actress has no intention to change the role permanently. If it is once again invited to play a young girl, it will not have to persuade twice.

She likes to surprise the audience - it's an incredible feeling. So when she was a girl from a very thoughtless behavior Dinora in the "unruly" ("Indomada") became a villain Eliane in "Pedra Sobre Pedra".

And that is quite different to Carla task, it is necessary not just to portray a woman-wife, woman-mother, you should try to convey the unique image, which is incorporated in the book Jorge Amado "A Descoberta da América pelos Turcos" in accordance with the scenario. "My character - northeastern woman homemaker" - explains Charles. The role of the mother for her is complicated by the fact that in real life the actress is no children, but with this she coped admirably. "I want to have children, but not yet the time."

The past year, we can say, has been a success for Carla Marins. She appeared on television, he plays in the theater. With over 14 years of career, the actress agreed to take part in the play "As Lágrimas Amargas de Petra Von Kant", where she got the role of Karina girls sexual orientation (by the way, in this role, she replaced Deborah Secco). "This is something completely new for me," - says Carl always ready for change.


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