With actress Carolina Dieckmann we met thanks to two TV series - "Tropikanka" where she played a young Asusenu and "In the Name of Love" in the role of Catherine. Now the actress says that she has grown out of the age, to constantly play teenagers. Since its first TV series "Sex Appeal" in 1993, she just did, that he played the young girls. And then, finally, the opportunity to play a completely different way. Her Camila in the new series "Family Ties" put an end to endless teenagers. First, the heroine falls in love with the gentleman to his mother, and then discovers that the leukemia ... "All my past roles were very similar. I always knew that I could offer the audience something more ", - says Carolina.

During the filming of "family ties" Carolina was 21, which corresponds to the age of her character. During the seven years of career she did not have such strong characters. We discover leukemia Camila and her mother Helena (played by Vera Fischer), desperate, asks for help from the girl's father (José Mayer), who did not know of the existence of his daughter. "I'm constantly thinking about how to play this disease that I have to part with her hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 Because all cancer patients undergoing chemotherapy and lost her hair. "

There was only one reason why Carolina Dieckmann afraid to portray Camille's disease - she feared that would be lost by the ease and joy of life, which is so fond of the audience in her character. "I had to pass the disease as much as possible convincingly - says Carolina - I talked to lots of people who have faced cancer, visited the hospital. Each person experiences the disease differently, I had to figure out how to react to her my heroine ".

But it is not only a disease of the young girl is the subject of a dramatic novel. The drama lies in the fact that her daughter competes with her mother for the love of the same man. "The difficulty of this role for me lies in the fact that in my life I would never be a rival of her mother love. First of all, out of respect for her. But it was such that I "beat" the guys from their friends. As a result, I lost some of my friends, what is very sorry. "

Currently, Carolina married to actor Marcos Frota and they Rust charming kid named Davey. I must say that "Family Ties" was the first work after the birth of Caroline's son, and it was very hard to part with him at the time of the shooting, especially during a trip to Japan. "I'm always afraid that I can not combine the work of the actress and still be a good mother. It was found, all possible, although difficult, especially at the beginning. "

"Family Ties" is not the first collaboration Carolina Dieckmann and screenwriter Carlos Manuel. Carolina has starred in 1997 in his series "In the Name of Love" and Carlos was so fascinated by the girl that definitely decided to invite her to one of his next projects. A year later, Manuel wrote a story about two sisters. On the role of a sister Vera Fischer was selected, and the role went to another Carolina Dieckmann. But the heroine of the sisters Faith and Caroline turned to the mother and daughter in the TV series "Family Ties." "Everything that makes Manuel Carlos can not succeed. I am happy to work with him "- says Carolina.

Dossier Carolina Dieckmann.

First Name:   Carolina Dieckmann
Nickname:   Carol
Date of Birth:   September 16, 1978
Place of Birth:   Rio de Janeiro
Weight:   51 kg
Growth:   1, 61 m
My favorite singer:   Marisa Monte.
Favorite TV programs:   Globo Reporter e Jornal Nacional
Favorite movie:   Mexican TV series
A character who wants to play:   Ruth Raquel in Mulheres Areia (we better known as "Mulheres de Areia")
Beautiful woman:   Vera Fischer
Handsome man:   Richard Gere
Favorite place in the home:   Bathroom son
Unforgettable trip:   New York
Favorite drink:   Coca-Cola Light
Favorite food:   chocolate
Desk book:   "As Valkirias" Pablo Coelho
Dream:   Wedding on island
Favorite country:   Brazil.
It is important to:   to be honest and decent
Philosophy:   "We have to understand this, because we are what we are"
His favorite expression:   "Your freedom ends where another person's freedom begins"


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