Ekaterina Semenova
 It would be very strange if Ekaterina Semenova childhood I would not dream of becoming an actress. Mother, Natalia Orlova - known animation director. Her cartoons before long the whole country watching - "marvels" and "Silver hoof", "The House That Jack Built" and "The Mystery of the Third Planet". In the latter the famous cartoon girl Alice Natalia Orlova rubbings with her seven-year daughter.

Mom then told Catherine that and she did not mean to perpetuate it, drew an ordinary girl, turned - Spilled daughter. Catherine then taken to a meeting with the audience, it seems as the prototype of the heroine. The girl boldly paced the stage, bowing and happy everyone's attention.

Catherine's father, Tengiz Semenov works director documentaries on the First Channel, in addition, he has his own studio, where he serves as producer. But the parents did not try to instruct the child to "The right path", was given complete freedom of choice. That's just what she I need? Catherine grew up in a house where her neighbors were Vera Glagolev, Eldar Ryazanov and Lyudmila Zaitseva, grew up among a conversation about movies, grew up on the cartoons ... Of course his mother, Catherine once said about his desire to become actress, and my parents gave her first drama school in Spesivtseva then - In the Moscow Art Theatre School.

Acting career Ekaterina Semenova beginning of eighteen years. Already in the second year she was invited to the Moscow Art Theatre on the title role in the play "Ondine", at the same time she began working in the theater "Contemporary". "It played a role what I always move in this environment, it was on everyone's mind - recalls actress - At the time I met with Anton Tabakov. Once we were with him in House of Cinema, and Galina Volchek asked him: "Who is it? ". Knowing that I studying at the Moscow Art Theater School, he asked me to beckon, and immediately asked: "Do you want to try to play Irina in "Three Sisters"? I gasped with joy breathing. She offered a monologue and learn to come to her home. Later audition was held in the theater. And I heard: "Everything we take you! ".

The actress Catherine Semenova everything was fine, even too well, it seemed to many envious. She has a well-known law husband Anton Tabakov, she works in one of the best theaters, it has excellent role ... And suddenly, in one moment all miraculously and without any effort Equipped little world He collapsed. Divorce is a tragedy, a total, absolute lack of roles. She did It did not work in film and theater. She got a job in a restaurant art director, lived in a state of chronic depression Depression  Depression
   and with periodic nervous breakdown. Therefore, when the horizon appeared a role in the TV series "Two of fate" actress set a tough ultimatum - either she gets the part or always leave the cinema and theater.

Samples lasted a long time, it is argued, it is not. Hudsovet was categorically against, blaming it in the absence of sexuality, the director of the series Valery Uskov seen in this role only Ekaterina Semenova. And at the moment when the officially became a part of her, Catherine decided for themselves - in her life begins new stage. And so it happened. When she start shooting as life gradually I began to emerge from the fog and darkness - called Oleg Tabakov and offered her work in the Moscow Art Theater.

The series "Two of fate" has become incredibly popular. Catherine Semenova really famous. However, since the actress carefully It refers to fame, fortune and coincidence. Who does not like her to know that the moment when everything in life was fine, it may be turning. She was familiar and kinosensatsii and kinoprovaly. She was familiar with the situation, when sold-out hall at Throughout the season, and when the play directed by her participation declines schedule and send back for revision. Now Ekaterina Semenova withdrawn in TV series "Alien Secrets" and received the same critical acclaim opposite. Yet He continues to take risks, to change and move forward quickly.

Daria Petchorin

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