Gabriel Braga Nunes - the actor who created the image of Augusto in the TV series "Land of Love." Someone hates someone he admires. But there is no doubt that this character did not leave anyone indifferent. The man who conquered three beautiful women (a third of us, apparently, remains to be seen), can not but arouse interest. We offer you an interview with a Spanish magazine, the actor.

Gabriel as you work on the role of Augusto?

Perfectly! It was very interesting to play a man torn between feelings for two women. After Augusto married Angelica, being in love with Paola. This provoked contradictory reactions of the audience - men tend to be on my side, and women are increasingly criticized.

How did you get on the show?

I was invited to audition, as well as Thiago Lacerda, when looking for the leading man. As a result, I got Augusto and Thiago became Mateo. Without a doubt, he is more in keeping with this character.

You somehow prepare for their roles? There is a certain technique?

No, no technique is not, because every role is different from the previous one. In the case of Augusto, when I auditioned, the director Jaime Montjardin decided that I am too serious and austere. It was necessary to be more gentle and romantic. And I'm a little rehearsed with my bride - actress Karina Carvalho.

How did you do it?

I confessed his love for her, and she said: "Do not believe it!". And so, until then, until I convinced her. The stiffness went out of my face.

What do you think about that double play, which is Augusto?

In the series, it is not uncommon - many heroes live a parallel life. The same Gumersindo flirted with a Negress almost in front of his wife.

You were hard to play this character?

I would be interested if it was just a villain. But the authors have provided a choice, and I chose the image of a person suffering from the love of two women at once.

Would you like to live at that time?

Perish the thought! I remember when we were shooting the honeymoon in Rio de Janeiro - high collars, vests, ties, hats ... No, it's not for me.

In love for you prefer when you conquer yourself or prefer active measures?

Both. Everything is fine.

Your mother, actress and theater director father somehow influenced your choice of profession?

This question is difficult to answer, because you never know what might have been if we had my parents had another profession. I can say only one thing for sure - my profession would be close to art.

Now you're famous. Do not interfere with fans? Do you like when people come up on the street?

I'm not worried about all of this - a consequence of my profession. I knew what I was going, or would choose another profession. However, fans sometimes too active, perhaps with emotion. But in general, people are friendly to me.


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