Glenn Close on the outcome of "Contractions"
   The opportunity to interview someone like Glenn Close - a great success. This is best expressed my editor, exclaiming: "Who does not want to interview Glenn Close ?! ". Of course, I could not miss such a chance. Glenn Close was so kind that find time in his busy schedule to meet with me.

  - After working with Ted Danson, brilliantly played the role of your screen enemy of Arthur Frobisher, what other actors you would like to "fight"?

- I am absolutely not ready to answer this question now, because it is focused on the completion of filming. I was not thinking about it. There are a huge number of actors with whom I wanted to work, but is now simply pointless to list them. By the way, I think that's a brilliant cast and ensured the success of "contractions." And these really high-class actors attracted a great script. From this work, we all enjoyed.

  - Why are you being claimed and the movies and the theater, have agreed to participate in this television project?

- Of course, it is, primarily, the credit management FX. They are really talented writers and, of course, take risks, because they provide complete freedom of action. One day I dropped in a conversation with them: "If you think about to do something in New York, let me know." It has been about a year when I got the call. For me it was determining the place of filming - New York - somewhere in California, away from the family, I would not have agreed to work. After listening to them, I said, "I'm intrigued. I want to read the pilot script. " And after reading, I realized that it's really interesting. Since that agreement was enough for me the script of the first series, and that work will have practically in my back yard. I said, "Resolved"

  - I watched as over 13 episodes Patty gradually expanded, and wondered - what you originally knew about it, that was included in the script; and what brought her the image of yourself. What is it for you, Patty Hewes? And you had to play it?

- I must admit it was not easy .  The first time I played the heroine, almost without knowing anything about it .  Usually I play the role, knowing where to start my character, and in which direction it is moving .  Here I go crazy thinking through past her character, because that is where lies the answer to the question, why is it so .  And even if the audience will never know what her secrets, she must be .  It is of great importance .  Therefore, at first, there is little knowledge of the Patty, I was disoriented .  And then we went to the writers Mary Jo White .  Mary Jo - very well-known New York lawyer, the head of his own firm .  It really helped us .  I realized what should be my Patty Hewes .  This woman dictates the rules of the game is very clever and calculating, a real "shark" law .  And it can not be different .  It must be a thousand times better than anyone who is going to hire .  As for her past, I had to give up the idea to learn all about Patty, because even though the writers did not know it .  Her image was finally formed in the process of filming .  Maybe I know more than the audience, but not much .  It was very exciting .  I felt that I live the life of Patty .  Real life .  We do not know in life what will happen to us tomorrow .

  - Speaking of Patty Hewes, it is - a very ambiguous character in terms of morality. How do you think? It is a villain, or simply wants to win at any cost?

- I want to believe that people are born evil really such .  I judge based on his acting experience, I play a character that was considered villains, but I do not think that they were so .  The only exception - Cruella in "102 Dalmatians" .  She - Devil in the Flesh .  And all the rest - I can understand them like human beings, knowing their weaknesses, knowing something about their past, knowing what they had to go .  Perhaps all this has made them so .  As an actress, I can not think otherwise, I can not blame her character .  After all, I have to bring her image before viewers .  And to do that, I have (at least I do) to find something in common with his character, to understand it .  Maybe that's why I do not think Patty villain .  She's very vulnerable, for example, in a relationship with his son .  It is, I think, is well aware that is not the best mother .  And regrets .  It is not heartless .  And I do not think I've ever been so .  It is very controversial, and it pleases me it most .

  - Where does Patty Hewes in the list of your characters? The favorite? Or, perhaps, you had to work hard to find common language with her?

- It is certainly one of the most enigmatic of my heroines. I know little about it, and it's very stimulating. Partly, I'm used to it. Perhaps it helps me think that 99, 9% of people constantly conceal from others their true colors. All we have succeeded in this - to hide what we have going on in the mind and the heart, and often demonstrate completely opposite emotions. I think in that sense, I was able to create a very believable way Patty.

  - You did a great job. Your role may become a source of inspiration for young girls, aiming at a career. Patty - a very successful and strong. What affects you? What motivates you to stay in the profession?

Th! What inspires me? Good acting. Heroes who can touch me. It does not matter, it's episodic character in polulyubitelsky statement or a serious image, created by the famous actor. Such works of my colleagues have really influenced me. I have great respect for the members of my profession. And, of course, the actors with whom I worked together on the set, have influenced me. I always try to make contact with colleagues. Only in this way, through the relationship, first - with his character, and then - with other actors, and ultimately - with the audience, and it is possible to create something really worthwhile. In this case, there is nothing worse disunity. The viewer can feel it. All people especially tend to relationships. And so the audience is always interested in history, tied to a relationship. Only these stories and can be really touching.

I get inspired by good scripts. In deciding whether or not to participate in any project, I guided only by their personal feelings and I agree, but if the idea seems interesting. In his choice I never guided by the question of the fee. I always strictly follow this principle.

  - Your father, being a doctor, worked for many years in Africa. It's like something affected you?

- My parents - complete idealists. And they have lived lives, faithfully believing that they should help others. They lived for many years in Africa and now live in Wyoming, where his father works as a doctor. I always put them in his example. Their experience helps me a sober assessment of themselves, their goals and the price that I'm willing to pay for their achievement. And may, I did not heal, do not save lives, but I try to live life with dignity.

  - That brings us to the question of Patty Hewes and that you know about it when they began to appear in "Fight". Did you know what would be the isolation, or were in the dark as the audience now?

- You mean the murder of David? No, I did not know anything. The authors would like as long as possible to preserve the possibility of different variants of decoupling. Therefore, we, as the audience learned about the events, but when we were handed the script of the next series. This is a very amused us all.

  - Continuing his question. That is, you do not know the whole story line, almost like a spectator watching the history and development of her character?

- Absolutely right. Initially, when the schedule was not so crazy, we were going on the eve of filming the next series, we read the script and plot twists genuinely surprised. It was a very interesting experience.

  - During the 13 episodes we see Ellen in a naive girl with eyes fawn turns into a ruthless predator prudent. Do you think Patty imbued with sympathy for the girl, maybe she knows it herself? Or to Ellen Hughes was only means to an end? And, in this regard, whether the character Rose was the same as Patty? Ruthless?

- During the film Patty, consciously or unconsciously, imbued with sympathy and respect for Ellen, and as a lawyer and as a person. Patty does not want to be a great teacher, a mentor. She's too vain to do so. She used to fight and win. But Ellen has some advantages - its youth, for example - that Patty at all desire can not win. I think Patty Ellen tries to teach something but at the same time, keep the distance. They have a very interesting relationship. Over time, they have a shared secret. Patty becomes interested Ellen not only as a way to get to the witness.

  - You mentioned the well-known lawyer, who were consulted before the shooting. What or perhaps who have influenced the way you created the heroine? Maybe some kind of a character or a real person?

- I was very impressed by the familiarity with Patricia Hines, upscale New York lawyer .  She told me of the extraordinary cases from the practice .  First of all, I was interested in what it means to take up the case, consideration of which could last five years .  When I heard how she appears in court, I said to myself, "Patti must be a" .  From conversations with women - lawyers, as well as books written by women - lawyers, I learned about another problem - men .  A woman is incredibly difficult to resist the men in the courtroom - imperious, and sometimes very aggressive .  In this sense, Patty reminds me of the Marquis de Merten (heroine Close in "Dangerous Liaisons") - it plays in men's games .  And she paid dearly for it .  Patty can be very feminine, and sometimes the audience convinced of this .  But most of the time it has to be like a man hard .  She's ready for it .  And I think she runs a certain resentment against men (at least, I felt it, communicating with Hines and other women - lawyers) for all the things that she had to endure in this man's way .

For me it was an exciting experience - feel the power woman, able to dictate the rules of men.

  - Not knowing what the outcome of this "Quest" for Patty, how did you prepare for the role? After all, your character could be anyone - and crazy killer, and a hostage situation.

- I have already said that the moment I added some uncertainty enthusiasm. In addition, a great script. And stylish clothing Stylish clothes: ten rules of style  Stylish clothes: ten rules of style
 . I had a cool, witty and fascinating scenario, and thanks to the dresser, I look a million dollars - enough to start.

  - What do you talk about "Fight" for those who want to watch it? Why do these people need to keep track of your "Fight"?

- It's really interesting action. And it is not so much tied to the story, but on the characters on the characters. Of course, the story is important, but you do not feel like heroes of sacrifice for the sake of a plan. No template. And those who like to solve puzzles, I think, too, should like.

  - Earlier, speaking of his work on the role, you said that we must find a something that connects you with the character. What bribe you to Patty?

- In the first series she talks to Ellen about her son. She says - the kids want you. Children as customers - they want you all and all the time.

My daughter said to me one day virtually the same. And I always remember about this, because I know what she meant. I was a single mother, working, and I knew that my daughter wants me all the time was close to her. But I was not able to give it to her. I tried as much as possible. And I think that Patty also was not possible to always be close to his son. And it was her conscious choice. To achieve what she has achieved, I had to give up much. Of course, she did not go to school plays son. And in general is constantly absent. I'm sure at some extent Patty regrets.

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