"It's very sad, but it's the only way to go", - says Sarah Jessica Parker starred in the cult TV series "Sex and the City." The actress feels more than just regret over the shooting. It was her opinion was the main, when the question of closing the show, but now she is upset to tears.

"You're in my most vulnerable point, I'm very attached to the people I work with," - Sarah said in an interview before leaving for Paris, where he will begin shooting the final episodes of "Sex and the City."

"This work is really changed my life, both personally and professionally, and I would be very sorry to part with all of my colleagues on the series.
If I think a lot about the end, it simply can not work, think about it directly in February. "

February 22 - the final day of shooting, when Sarah Jessica Parker and her colleagues on the shop floor - Kim Cattrall (Samantha), Cynthia Nixon (Miranda) and Kristin Davis (Charlotte) will tell us all goodbye!

Parker, who turns 39 on March 25 years, was thinking about leaving a further 2 years ago.

"I began to think about the future when Kerry became pregnant," - said Sarah, became the mother of James the baby in October 2002.

"One day I woke up and realized that we have to leave now, when still at the peak of their popularity."

Other actresses were not so sure about this decision and would like to sign a contract for next season, but Sarah was relentless - she did not want to wait until the show will turn into mediocrity.

"I know that it is very profitable, I am interested to work this series deep in my heart, but we must move on."

Sarah Jessica Parker's decision surprised even her husband, the famous actor Matthew Broderick. "Matthew said to me - most people, getting on TV try to stay there until the last, and I took a very courageous decision in his opinion."

After six years, Parker wants to get rid of the image of Carrie Bradshaw, who brought her immense popularity.

"I was an actress for 31 years and I'm not ashamed of any of one of his work, I always feel great coming back home from work."

While Sarah does not have plans for the future, but she took part in articulating the Disney cartoon "Home on the Range", in which her voice says .... Cow :) But of course it's not the end of her dreams.

"Can my next role will be in the science fiction film, but maybe I'll play some village girl," - said Sarah. However, it does not exclude the possibility of returning to the "Sex and the City." Maybe it will be a sequel, maybe a movie.

"I have learned to never say never! "

The End! Happy End!


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