After a sufficiently long time-out taken by an actress after filming the "Iago, dark passion" (recall that they ended in December last year), she returned to work. According to preliminary estimates, Neira soon re-settle in Argentina, which will act in the new project studio Pol-ka - "I am a Gypsy" with Osvaldo Laporte in the title role (this series, filming is expected to begin in late November, is intended to replace the post One of the hits of the season - "099, central" with Facundo Arana).

And the essence of the case is, Hyanella decided to contribute to the development of national cinematography. Young Peruvian director Lucho Barrios recently started shooting his first feature film titled "Polvo enamorado", in which the main role performed by Gustavo Bueno, Hyanella Neira, Paul Vega and Julian Legaspi. The film tells the story of Matias Rosales (Gustavo Bueno), alkalda small town, who is married to a young girl (Hyanella Neira). Their life is full of problems, especially because his wife does not love her husband, since she married him (the rich man much older than herself) for the money to get his family out of poverty. But it is impossible to live without love, so it's a wonderful feeling, finally catches up with the young girl. But it gets even more complicated, as the subject of her secret passion becomes none other than the priest of the parish church.

In addition to the exciting story of love and passion, attractive point for the audience will certainly be the prospect of seeing the beauty-Peruvian completely naked in explicit love scenes, and what a partner in him will be Paul Vega (playing a priest), with whom the actress once He had a passionate affair.

For about three months, the crew is in Peru, in the town of San Vicente de Aspitiya where full swing work on the film. Despite the constant attacks of mosquitoes, deafening heat (in Latin America is now late spring) smile never left the face of the actress, and the desire to work is not reduced. After an exhausting day of shooting Hyanella still finds the strength to give autographs to fans and journalists to adopt. In an interview with "Correo," the actress admits that she is quite difficult to appear naked, because have to do it in the presence of more than forty people.

This is your first major film role. This must be the biggest challenge in your career?

Sure. This is really my first starring role, in addition, such a complex. So much so that I even wondered whether I want to continue acting. I play a woman who lived for many years in the convent, she was very religious. And at some point the parents decide that it was time to get married, and connect with a man much older than her, who she perceived only as his godfather. Their life goes upside down when the town where they live, will come the new parish priest. My character is very unlike me, so it was hard to build its image and understand its behavior.

Especially because it is changeable nature.

I do not know whether it will be seen on the screen. I try to make it a one dimensional role was not to my character did not show all the time the same emotions. I want to convey the depth and all shades of feelings that she experiences.

You were very hard to appear naked?

It is always difficult, but for me this is not the first time I undressed in a small episode in the movie "City of M". Such scenes are more difficult on a physical level, because when you play, your own emotions is not going away, there is a collision of their own feelings and those who have to play and that's always difficult.

In this film, a priest with whom you have a passion plays Paul Vega, who once was your fiance ...

Yes, and when I was told that Paul would roll with me, I thought it was great, I know him, I know how it works. I did not have this problem.

Your current fiance - Segundo Sernadas normal shooting took explicit scenes?

Yes, he took them well. He was with me. (Segundo is near the inseparable favorite and has become a real member of the crew, due to its invaluable assistance and podderzhke.- prim.perev.)

What do you hope pinned on this film?

We have a great team, so I think that we will produce a quality product. We all believe in it, but the last word - for the audience. This means that I will be very worried right up to the premiere. (Laughs)

You already made some proposals from foreign television companies?

I will make a decision next week. I received an offer from Venevison and one Argentine channel. In both cases we are talking about telenovelas. (Recall that Hyanelle received an offer from the studio Pol-ka for participation in the new great project of Adrian Suara "I Gypsy" with Osvaldo Laporta and Arnaldo André. - Comm. Pens).

Maria Zolotussky

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