Brazilian actress Angela Vieira is already familiar to the Russian fans of Brazilian soap operas. We could see her in "In the Name of Love", and now it appears every evening on our screens in the form of Madame Jeannette in the novel "Land of Love." Soon her heroine expect the unexpected twist of fate - a meeting with a young man named Joshua. Life Janet unfold 180 degrees, after having lived for many years with Francesco she never learned what it means to love truly. All these passions she has to go through Joshua.

Janet when she felt in her life came Joshua?

Passion! A man in love is capable of much passion can move mountains! But in the life of Janet did not have anything like this, so very love it worked.

Your attitude to Janet?

I am satisfied with his character. In the beginning it was quite tough and domineering capable of any acts for the sake of his family. Janet married not for love, but forced his father. When she met Joshua, it turned out that her inherent qualities such as femininity, fragility, weakness ... You can say that I played two roles in this series.

If you could choose, at which time you would prefer to live?

I would love lived in 20-30s. I like the culture of the time, a lot came from Europe to Brazil. It was very respectful attitude towards the family, excellent etiquette.

During those years, women were forced to fight for their rights. As things stand now in Brazil?

Much better. We have more right, we can do what he likes, on the labor market, women are more in demand. I'm not a feminist, but I think that women should be treated with more respect and regard it as a free labor force.

Tell us, how did you become an actress?

It happened 23 years ago. Then I was a dancer at the Municipal Theater in Rio de Janeiro when I was invited to participate in a program where I portrayed itself, ie ballerina. Gradually, the theater began to give me a short texts, mostly in comedies. I studied acting in practice, as a small child learns to crawl first, then walk ... So I - it took me five years to do so.

If you had not become an actress, by whom?

It can be a musician. In any case my profession would be associated with art. I am a creative person.

What should be the man to please you?

I am attracted to people elegance. I mean, not only externally, man's relation to others, to his house, work. That's what I wanted to say. To people like me should be elegant, educated and his attitude toward women is also important.

You've been in Spain?

I was in Barcelona and ten years ago in Madrid. I love the Spanish, Portuguese and Italians - they are very similar to us.

Your creative plans?

Maybe I will participate in the continuation of the novel "Love the Earth" with director Jaime Monzhardimom. In addition, I plan to play in a musical comedy, where I will sing and dance. I also would like to appear on stage.

Your dream?

I would like to see the country happy. To our newspapers was less mud, decreased crime. And education, health, housing accessible to all. I love my country and I believe that Brazil deserves a better life.


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Article Tags:
  • Brazilian actress
  • "Cruel Angel" kinder 20 years
  • Just Nataliya