• Lucia Mendez answers questions Women's Club
  • Part 2
 Lucia Mendez
 Lucia Mendez caught at home - not an easy task. Beautiful Diva Aztec country for several months lived in the plane between the two Americas. New York, Santiago, Managua, Bogota, New York again ... But this is not the route touring actress and did not place the shooting of her new TV series. The fact that just over a year ago, Lucia has a new hobby - design of silver jewelry ("Women's Club" wrote about this earlier). What started as a hobby quickly turned into a very successful business. Silver line called "Collection of Lucia Mendez" is very popular among the Spanish-speaking population of the United States. After the first ornament collection, "Olin del amor" in just two months has sold in excess of one million dollars, the American actress companions decided to organize a network of shops and silver "from Lucia" in Latin America and in some European countries. And Mexicans even awarded the title of her favorite "Silver Queen", who presented her with all due solemnity in the occasion of the main "silver" city in the country - Taxco.

The new "role" as captured Lucia, we simply could not start our conversation with a question about what decorations appeared in her collection recently and over what she now works.

- I recently released two new jewelry collection - "Olin - Butterfly" and "Flower of Life". It's very light, graceful medallions, personifying love volatility, the birth of a new life ... Quite successfully sold and a series of fragrances under my name. But most of all at the moment takes me to record the songs for my new album. It will be a disc in the style of "pop rock" of which I've been asked for my fans. There are other proven designs, of which I can not say. I'm afraid to jinx it.

Your work and personal life is constantly under the scrutiny of journalists and the public. Do you follow what is written about you in the press? How do you feel about it?

Absolutely. The staff of my office keep track of all the information that appears about me in the newspapers, on radio, television, the Internet. When I first started working in show business, it is very painful to respond to each comment is about me. Frustrating happened to tears. Fortunately, with time, I learned how to separate the wheat from the chaff. There are plenty of yellow books, comments which I do not attach absolutely no value. But there is a very respectable, serious journalists whose criticism of the fundamental and constructive. Each of the phrase for me - its weight in gold - whether it is positive or negative, because it was such comments help to grow professionally.

By the way, with the Internet you "you" or "you"? How do you feel about him?

Internet - is the key to peace. I think this is one of the most incredible achievements of the last decades. Just think, for just one second you connect with someone on another continent, and any item of your interest in one moment is at your disposal. But at the same time, I believe that the closer you approach to the world, the more moves away from its own: from live communication from his environment.

But can happen is that over time the Internet will replace all other media?

I think that they will be pushed back a few, but is unlikely to disappear completely. It is clear that technological progress has to change them so that they can compete with the world of information and opportunities that the Internet offers. They say that if you can not find something on the Internet, then it simply does not exist (laughs)

Most of the fans get their information about their idols because of the Internet. This is understandable: the best source is unlikely to be found. You visit sites in the network dedicated to Lucia Mendez?

Yes, I like to know what the audience thinks about my work. After all, everything that I have achieved, there is considerable merit to my audience. I am very grateful and appreciative audience for their love and support, and for the time they devote to me. That is why I never miss an opportunity to visit the site by my fans. In addition, when I fall free time, I will read the guestbook entries of the official site.

If traditional newspapers and magazines appeared a serious contender in the face of the Internet, the telenovela is rapidly losing its audience, which switches to the various "reality show". You agree to act in the transfer of "Big Brother" if its creators have fulfilled your every wish? What do you think about real "television"? Does it kill the standard series?

I'm not going to participate in "Big Brother", despite the fact that Mexican television he shoots and produces my ex-husband Pedro Torres, and my son spent the entire vacation on the set, helping his father at work. Yes, I know that now there is a certain euphoria of the show. But I am convinced that the series will always be public. Because all viewers have the desire and the illusion that they would be happy to see implemented at least on the screen.

Are you sorry about anything? Missed opportunities? Unplayed role?

I missed a great opportunity, when she refused to appear in a Hollywood film interesting, because of the fact that there were explicit scenes. At that moment, I woke up in something provincial, and I do not agree.

What did you feel the first time you saw yourself on screen?

It was an indescribable feeling ... I remember at that moment I wanted to cry from the fact that my dream came true. I'm a child wanted to be an actress, and I had to endure a very serious confrontation with his father, who was totally against my choice. Seeing all efforts aimed at realizing the dream crystallized finally on the screen - a huge fortune.

How strong women who have achieved a lot in life, it is difficult to find a life partner?

I think any person fairly easy to find a life partner. Of course, when you are completely independent woman, both materially and emotionally, this problem becomes more complicated. It has to contend with the traditional view that the woman is completely dependent on men; that only he should decide and control everything. In addition, there are many in the world of men who are not afraid of strong women?

Maybe loneliness - a constant companion of Fame?

Phew, it is difficult to say ... I do believe that there is something like that, a connection ... But it all depends on how quickly a person will realize the superficiality of fame and its insignificance in comparison with the true values: It is important to be able to find time for his family, for your loved one, it is important to not only know how to find real friends, but also save them .. When you are surrounded by loved ones, on the attacks of loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
   You can forget. I do not feel alone, I have a great family. I'm in love and loved.

Glory I perceive as success - thanks to glory, I found the love of his audience. Of course, sometimes it is difficult to always be the center of attention and hard to protect your privacy from prying eyes. But over time, to me it is understood that the glory is nothing more than the recognition of my work and efforts.

Read more Part 2

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