• Luigi Barichelli - father of many children and boring romantic
  • Part 2
The present success of the young actor Luigi Barichelli came after the release of the Brazilian TV series "Family Ties," where he played the son of heroine Elena Vera Fischer Fred. This was followed by not very successful telenovela "Patron" in which, among other things, his hero was hopelessly in love with the heroine Deborah Secco (which at one time very successfully portrayed merzavku Iris "family ties"). First Name: Luiz Fernando Pecorari Baricelli
Date and Place of Birth: São Paulo, July 14, 1971
Hobbies: watching DVD movies and reading books
My favorite actress: Valderes de Barros and Natalia Timberg
Favorite actor: Tony Ramos and walls Garcia
Favorite movie: Casablanca and all the films of Stanley Kubrick
Favorite vacation: My wife and I go to Paris and Portugal
The best moment in your life? the birth of my children
Dream: go round the whole of Italy
Favorite smell: own
Favorite book: "Foundations" - Confucius
Favorite writer: Machado de Assis

However, in real life, Luigi prefers the company of two other women - his beloved wife, Andrea, and a ten-year daughter from his first marriage (for the first time became the father of Luigi in 19 years). Four years ago, Andrea gave him adorable baby Victoria.

Let's talk about your career, after the success of "family ties" and failure "Protecting" What are you doing?

He acted in several TV programs, played in the movie (the main character once again became Deborah Secco - pp) Now I started shooting a new TV series "Taste the passion" (paired with Luigi play the famous Brazilian actress Leticia Spieler - pp)

After the success of "family ties" you're a little left in the shade, I did not reap laurels, why?

The series has become for all of us, a turning point in his career. But I did not want to customize events. It often happens that the actor bright flashes in one or two roles, and then just as suddenly disappears. I worked in the theater, gain experience, and then returned to the cinema

How do you find time for a family with such a hard schedule?

For me in the first place has always been a family, work can wait.

Your wife does not bother the crowd in front of your home fans?

Yes, it is already used to it, sees it as part of my job. I hope that applies to my admirers with understanding.

Well, how do you feel about the tabloids? Already it has become a victim?

No, not yet become, I generally do not like to participate in social events, and must therefore not fall into the lenses of the paparazzi. I am a boring person. Although, of course, the attention of journalists is not always very pleasant. But ordinary viewers, I just love. I'm getting from them the strongest energetic charge, I love talking to people.

How did your career?

With commercials. Then the director Geraldo Vietri invited me to play a small part in the miniseries Os Domenicos. But before the "family ties" the audience was not very well known, even though I had already starred in several television series.

When you agreed to play Fred, do you imagine that this role will bring you a success?

I really tried to give 100% and was very happy when the efforts were justified. It all happened so quickly and so unexpectedly. Fred became a part of me and it's good.

In the next telenovela "Patron" you had to be in good physical shape.

Yes, I learned to ride a horse, fight, bodybuilding. By the way, I did all the stunts himself. And, of course, I listened carefully to the director

Are you a romantic husband?

Well, yes, sometimes I wonder myself. Andrea, you better answer [here the conversation takes a wife Luigi - Andrea Barichelli: Oh yeah, it's very romantic, gives flowers, making small gifts, sends little notes].

Do you smoke?

No. [Andrea says: Come on, smoke on the sly, how many times has found a cigarette. Well, nothing, I'm used to it]

Is there any dream that you would like to implement?

The dream? Yes, but I have already embody. I wanted to become the protagonist of the telenovela. And, as you can see, a dream come true.

And now let's talk about Luigi Barichelli - head of the family. You're a liberal father?

Well, not quite. However, too hard, too, himself a father, I can not name. I control the situation, a lot of talking with children. We have a wonderful relationship with Rubiey, my eldest daughter, who lives with his mother in Sao Paulo. But, of course, the distance does not allow us to communicate exactly as I would like. But with Victoria, I constantly talk. And in Europe we went with the whole family, because he liked the Eiffel Tower and the Louvre.

And how do you feel about the fact that one day your children may also choose career as an actor? They have already shown interest in this profession?

Yes, Victoria even played in the series. For the most part I lay in the crib. But if they want to choose this profession, I will not object. So far, for me the main thing that they ate well and played sports.

As Rubia refers to your second wife?

She loves Andrea and especially his brother. Yes, she spends more time with Andrea than with me, I'm always busy

You say another son planned?

Well, it is too early to say. Here we wait for four months, then there will be exactly known sex of the child.

And how do you know that you will have a child?

Andrea was a bad morning sickness, you know. Familiar immediately suspected that she was pregnant. We just then traveled through France and Portugal and it was a bit unexpected. Come do the test. Until you get the results, I just got exhausted all ( By the time this interview Luigi has again became a happy father - Andrea gave birth to a second son Vicenzo )

How long have you been living in Rio de Janeiro?

Eight years. And all my name still lives in Sao Paulo. The woman from the same place. But a lot of work, so I can go home not often

Read more Part 2

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