Brazilian Beauty, young actress Maria Fernanda Candido recently visited the exhibition "Antonio Diaz - 70 years" at the Museum of Contemporary Art in Niteroi. With reporters she shared recollection of his childhood years, inspired by the theme of the exhibition. Also, the actress said that she was tired of the constant questions on the subject of her marital status.

- It's funny, but there are people who just come up and start asking about my personal life: "Why are you not married? What are you," inveterate bachelorette "? Well, I'm not married, but I do not" deep-rooted bachelorette "just so happened circumstances. Why is it so hard to believe?

But it so happened that one of the most beautiful women of the century there is still no lover?

Oh, and you too! Is that not normal - to be one? I am very calm person, and did not make a tragedy out of his loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . I feel good one.

People simply do not understand how could the most desirable woman in Brazil have one.

Well, I'm not going to be alone forever. This temporarily. Maybe next week I will not be alone. The main thing - to find someone capable to awaken the senses.

You must be very demanding on the men?

Insistence here at anything. It's just that I do not have such a passionate desire in whatever was to have a lover. And I'm not going to start it only in order to satisfy the curiosity of the public. I so happy.

After filming in the telenovela, you will have more time for a personal life?

Let's agree that as soon as I have someone appear, I will certainly let you know. Good?

But in any case, you do plan to someday get married, have children ...

Naturally I plan. I think about marriage and children. But I do not have clear plans, like, right now I'm doing a career, in two years getting married and so on .... Let everything was okay. Do not force things. All in good time.

But you go to meetings, parties ... where you can get acquainted with someone?

No, I am a very homely person. My habit is absolutely simple. When I had a free day, I get up ... listen to music ... then comes the dinner ... then I read ... sleep ... and then sit on the Internet, the latest news ... then I take a bath ... and now this wonderful day has ended.

Are you really will not go?

Well, why not? I go. I like to meet friends. And about once every two weeks I go to Copérnico (bar planetarium Complexo Gastronômio do Planetário da Gávea in Rio). There are poetry readings, which I am pleased to participate.

From all this we can conclude that you do not have anything to do with your heroine Paola from the "Land of Love" - ​​a passionate woman, capable of withstanding the morals of the time, which converges with a married man, moreover, is much older than her. You have decided on such an act?

I do not know. It's hard to say, you need to be in this situation, to see how I would have behaved. I can only say, as I would like to do, and how it will actually ... I do not know. Life - an unpredictable thing.

What do you like or do not like to do: to cook, to deal with money or stay home?

I cook a lot, I do not, I do not like to do too. As for the rest - that I consider myself a fairly practical person. When I successfully combined the two sides of my nature. One - sensual, emotional, the other - practical. I try to find a middle ground.

Your brother and sister have to do with the acting profession?

No. The family has its black sheep (laughs). Sister Carina (her 20 years) and his brother Jose Eduardo (he is 16) - normal people.


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