As we already know, the actor has accepted the invitation to play in a major role in Peruvian telenovela production. Segundo would have to leave his native Buenos Aires and moved to five months in the capital of Peru. This Sernadas denies rumors that his move is related to the fact that lives in Lima Hyanella Neira ("Iago - dark passion"), a novel with which he is credited with carefully idle journalists.

Segundo always wanted to try something new. For him, it probably means more than the main role, which it certainly deserves. Everyone expected that after the success of the actor in the TV series "Wild Angel", by which he was known and loved throughout the world, did not slow down Sernadas become the protagonist of some of the telenovela. But everything has its time.

Segundo very pleased that he is now given the opportunity to discover new horizons, both geographically and creatively.

"I am very pleased - said akter.- In fact, I have long had the idea to go to work in another country. In addition, three years is to me the various proposals received from Mexico, Venezuela and other countries. However, always something to tuck in Argentina, and I stayed. Now, on the contrary, it was time to do something new, to try their strength and gain experience. I would not want to miss this opportunity, because the main role - a very important step for me. But I'm leaving with the desire to come back. "

In fact, no one yet knows what will happen to the actor in Peru. And it's not only lie in wait for his rival. The fact that a few weeks ago, a rumor began to circulate (and this information has been published in a reputable publication by all as "Clarin"), that appeared Sernadasa bride. She became none other than Hyanella Neira - partner Facundo Arana Argentina in the sensational series "Iago-dark passion" (though before with the same zeal journalists wrote that Neira love with Arana). Segundo and Hyanella met in Buenos Aires, even before the shooting had been completed "Iago" and witnesses of the event say that between the actors immediately had a mutual attraction. Then Segundo zasobiralsya in Peru and Hyanella suddenly decided to return to Argentina ...

When the actor is asked about his possible affair with a beautiful Peruvian, he dryly replied while trying to stay as more polite: "Write what you want .  I do not know where this rumor originated, which, incidentally, has not been confirmed by anyone, and do not know how he came to Peru .  Poor Hyanella .  She also got .  I know that and it overcome the issues on this topic .  The only thing I would say about it: suitors I do not go, "- he says sharply .  It is evident that this topic is unpleasant to him, and he does not hide .  But then he smiles and his face does not seem so angry .  "I never have talked about his life .  It disgusts me, and I do not like to engage in all other people .  I do not want to be like those actors who tell the left to the right with whom and how many times they slept .  About me already too much has been said .  They said that I meet Carina Zampini (Charles in "Rich and Famous"), then I attributed affair with Mariana Arias (Andrea in "Wild Angel") .  Always about me invent all kinds of nonsense, "- he says wearily . - "So - you write what you want" . 

Segundo did not give up and shakes his head when asked about whether there was any hope that the rumors of his novel may be true. And while he is laughing, when it comes to the possibility of withdrawing with Hyanelloy. (Recall that in the telenovela, which will be shot Segundo, and which is tentatively titled "Camila", yet to be determined actress for the lead role. So, you never know ...). "It is - a star, and of course, I would be happy to co-starred with her in the telenovela. But as to the other, then I said: write what you want," - he said briefly, and gestures that the subject is closed. Well, believe it or remain or continue plagued by vague doubts.

Suddenly, he returns to the subject of the present moment .  Segundo said that is very sorry that he had to cancel a trip to Macedonia - a country where he has become the people's favorite thanks to his roles in "rich and famous" and "Wild Angel" .  "I was going to go there these days, but for the past two weeks, as the state of siege .  The political situation is getting worse .  Well, I could use this time to work on the role: I read the script, trying to smooth out his accent " .  Segundo apologizes that the only thing he could talk about his project, is that he will play oceanographer .  "Since this is a joint production of Peru and Ecuador, most of the filming will take place in the Galapagos Islands, and I'll be a long time in close proximity to the sea .  It attracted me most in this project .  Then we'll see .  I always say that I'm not one of those who sit by the phone waiting for a new offer, but also of those who demand only the currently starring or luxury fees .  I - where there is work, "- he says goodbye . 

And maybe, after all, he - where love resides? ..

Maria Zolotussky

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