We bring you the interview Neira gave recently in the program "A las 11 con Hildebrandt" renowned Peruvian journalist Cesar Hildebrandt. Despite the fact that most of the political orientation of programs Cesar, this time the journalist could not ignore Hyanellu, which is a recognized star in his homeland. During an interview Hilderbrandt tried in every way to embarrass the actress tricky and personal issues. But she came out with flying colors in this fight, as you can judge for yourself.

Hyanella Neira was a model. The past, which she does not want to remember, is not it?

No that's not true.

You do not like to remember that you were a model?

This is not true. Being a model I liked, it amuses me.

Really like?

And what is bad?

No, I am very happy, very happy that you do not have this strange relationship to the past, like many other celebrities ...

I always try to be confident in what I'm doing to nothing to regret. Because then we can not change anything, it's pretty heavy burden of responsibility.

You were a model, and then suddenly took it and went to audition, right?

In fact, it found me at a party, but I did not believe them.

But you were at a party in pursuit of the young man who liked you ... Is not that what you said?

No, because I was leading the music program in 16 years.

You chased a young man?

Yes, a young man who liked me, he was also a model. I learned that he was casting broadcasters and that they need a girl and a boy. I said, "Great, I'll go too." I have chosen, but it is not. In addition, our relationship ended.

And you still neostupno you follow it that you like, that attracts you?

Beyond that, I like to - yes. I think that in relationships with men, I became more shy, but as for my ideals, I try to remain adamant.

Now you have a young man (Segundo Sernadas. - Note. Trans.) You settle down. Do not you travel?

Well, if you want to work ...

I mean the "journey of the soul" .

Hyanella laughing.

You're not an adventurer such as before, do not run like crazy for the disco?

No, no, fortunately ...

Okay, back to the past. After a successful debut in the genre of telenovelas you went to New York, where she studied acting classes. It will change your life, the courses have given you much that you could then use.

Yes, but I think the time has given me a personal sense more than professional. I was far from home, I will not be covered. So you sit and you think you're an adult, you're reckless, and go out of the house and immediately confronted with all his fears. These four months have gone good for me as a person.

What are you most afraid of and what you are afraid now?

Well, I think that at that time I was afraid, and now I am afraid, though not to the same extent - to be alone. This fear arose in me as long as I chose the career as an actress. I'm most afraid of loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 , That will not be able to combine work and family.

You've been a lonely child?

No no.

I ask because you've got brothers decent age gap.

No, I've always been very outgoing. In addition, one of my brother in '21 (very Hyanelle May 3 turned 25. - Note. Trans.) . And the other, really, just 12 years old and I like him as a second mother (laughs) . I do think that in me a strong sense of motherhood. I really want to have children, to have a family. But with all the time in my head all sorts of thoughts about what these two things are hard to reconcile, I could not find the necessary balance between family and work.

Well, a man like you, with your mind ... In my opinion, there are several other problems and is quite large: who should be the father of the child? A truly dramatic situation.

(Laughs) .net ... No ... no ... I hope that is not so dramatic. I just want to find someone who would be honest and would be close, no more. More I do not need anything.

You found him?

M-th-th-th-th-th-th. I can not tell you that it will remain in my (laughs) .

Without names, okay? I will not ask who it is. Just tell me, have you found such a person, or think you have found?

Do not put me in an awkward position.

You are still on the way?

(Laughs) ... Yes, that's right, we are just trying to build something.

And as all this is done?

I do not know…

Well, at least give general advice. Imagine that in front of you people, the victim fiasco in this regard, a complete failure. Tell me, please, how to build relationships?

No rules.

That is, there are no rules?

Only through trial and error, every day.

That is, you can not even explain the poor guy, how to build relationships?

No, yesterday I asked my mother about it.

So what did she say?

She said that it is always and every time worse. (Laughs.)   People are different, and it will always be difficult.

Have you ever fell in love with an unworthy person?

Yes, I think so. But it's part of life, you must be wrong.

Learn from the mistakes?

Yes, mistakes need to understand what more do not. I learned a lot, which is good.

You're not afraid to act in telenovelas? Do not get so that you would be hostage to the genre? It will not hurt if it's your career?

I thought about it too, so always try to do something else: in the movies playing at the theater. Indeed shooting the telenovela - a kind of a trap, because, among other things, they take all your time. Self is only two hours a day, there is absolutely no time to do anything else. This gulf can absorb you. So I decided that it was time to stop a little bit, to understand myself, to think about something else. To understand whether I should continue to act in telenovelas or not. Try to do something in the film - in the genre in which I worked the least.

You already have the new proposals?

Filmed in the movies, unfortunately, is no. I was offered to play an interesting role. I look with some fear waiting for the start of filming. This again is a telenovela, but this time I'm going to play a negative character. I like it very much, it's pretty difficult role. I did, to be honest, I do not know how to play, and from this it becomes even more interesting. (Star of the series "Iago - dark passion" has signed a contract with the Venezuelan channel Venevision. Curiously, the hero who "villainous" character Hyanelly will spoil life, played by actor Jorge Aravena, which stood with her main romantic couple in the Peruvian telenovela "Sunflowers for Lucia "which has made the once famous neuro many countries in Latin America. - Note. Trans.)

It's hard to play a villain?

I have never played such a role. Once I got the heroine, who had many negative traits. She was quite impulsive, very haughty, arrogant ... But it has become a force of circumstances. Life has made her so she - the victim, not the executioner. And I would very much like to play a pure evil, a person who intentionally commits bad deeds.

A real bitch?


What do you mean? Such vile, vicious fury?

Yes, I would be happy to receive such a role.

Because it would be a challenge in your career? After all, you yourself - the exact opposite of this character, right?

I would like to get into the psychology of such people. To me it seems very interesting. This is the side that is in every man, there is in me, but it is unknown. Man it is very difficult to admit their weaknesses, saying: "You know, I - selfish, I - a coward, I - evil". Therefore, I would like to know the dark side, to find a balance between the two sides of his "I".

Did you ever do evil?

I was a coward many times and bad ... I do not know, probably yes.

You tormented by jealousy?

Yes, because of insecurity, sometimes I hate it ... I always struggled with.

We all have a dark and light side. The main thing - to find a middle ground.

Yes, and it is the most difficult. But I think you have to be able to accept yourself for who you are. If at this moment you were angry or you overcome with envy, we must accept it and let it go.

You and I have much in common. You go to bed too late?

Yes Yes.

Read, wander around the house like a ghost? I also like that.

(Laughs)   Yes?

Yes, only a flashlight in his hand is not enough.

(Laughs.)   Yes svechechki, chandelier.


I love the quiet of the night.

It is now when you're in love, you have peace?

Yes, yes, thank God.

Obviously, you do not live with her lover?

You're trying to slowly extract from me anything, so much so that I did not even notice.

No, I say, because if you did not live alone, you would not have no rest day or night.

No, I hope that everything will be fine. That's why we build our relationships, is not it?

That is, everyone has their own schedule ...

Well, if you think you will never be able to live together with someone you love, then why bother to start your relationship?

Why, there are, for example, an alternative way, the relationship a la Jack Nicholson ...

Everyone lives at home and be done with it ...

And do not you think?

No, I want to have a real family.

And being a mother.

Yes, yes ... I wish that we were all going to the same table.

And suddenly fail. You're here as a child dreamed of becoming a marine biologist, but because this is your dream did not come true.

Yes, because I was attracted by the acting profession.

Maybe now it happened. You know, God works in mysterious ways ...

Yes, but I think it was because in my heart I wanted to. I understand that everything in life is changing, anything can happen. But I believe that the desire to have a family and children, I will never change, and not for anything in the world. It is much more important than being a marine biologist.

They say that you spent a great time filming in Argentina, and you treat it well, do not you?

Yes, thank God, it was. For me, to be honest, it was a real surprise. I did not expect this. I was afraid to go there, it is quite a closed society. I did not even ask where I come from, and at the end of my stay even began to say that I - Argentine, who just left for living in Peru, and has now returned back to their homeland. This meant that they accepted me as their own.

Well, they just could not believe that such a wonderful actress, besides such a beautiful woman, perhaps Peruvian, no, of course, only the Argentine. What could we ...

(Laughs.)   No no. I perceive it differently, it was a sign of good relations to me, and not the desire to show that we are inferior to them. No.

Not only beyond. They thought: "She is so good, so she - Argentine."


Once you said that in the acting world, and you can get stabbed in the back. You received such blows ever?

Yes, several times.

Do you still have the scars?

Yes, but it was instructive.

I learned a lesson?

Yes, they should get to say: Okay, so I do not do that. I'm a scientist, I go the other way.

What is the white lie that you ever said that?

I think I still say, "Do not worry. It's all right," when in fact all wrong, and me something unpleasant. I have come into conflict with itself.

Tell them that there is a story that happened to you in six years, and what you do not like to remember? Something about a hanger?

How did you know?

It is necessary to know the place.

You talked to my mother?

No, I just read a lot about you. So what happened?

You'll laugh, but when I was six years old, I'm just dying to wear shoulder pads. One day we were supposed to have dinner with your family, and I stole my mother's sweater coat hanger. Secretly I put it on and went to the table. People began to laugh and say that I'm terribly remind players Player in the family: safety rules  Player in the family: safety rules
   rugby. It was a terrible shock for me. I huddled under the bed and would not want to go out, imagine a shame! I remember it well, and since I do not wear shoulder pads, if they give me something where there is the slightest hint of them, I immediately shot it. I just hate them, apparently, childhood trauma (laughs) .

Well, you do not need it, and so you have a beautiful shape.

Many thanks (laughs) .

You do not like compliments about your appearance?

I'm just very shy.

Do you hate them?

I love everything that is natural, as a compliment Compliments  Compliments
   itself ...

And is not my natural compliment?

(Laughs)   I think you beforehand on paper wrote.

No, no, I swear to you, read (pushes her paper) . Where does it say "make a compliment?" Nowhere.

Hyanella laughing.

Also, I did not know that you are so beautiful

Many thanks (laughs) .

I mean, I knew you - beautiful, but did not know that much.

Thank you.

You - a feminist, so you do not like it when you make a compliment?

No, I'm not such a feminist, I'd rather for equality.

For equality?

Yes, I believe that anyone can do what he wants and what can do, no matter male or female. I think so.

Well, this is Hyanella Neira. Today we have devoted its program to celebrities. With us was the actress who became popular not only in our country but also abroad. Thank Hyanella. It was very nice to talk with you.

Mutually. Thank you.

Maria Zolotussky

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