"Black List" - a typical serial detective Argentine. Atypical it only in the cast: almost every one of the performers in a particular role in this mini-series is a real theater or a movie star, or a combination thereof. We are all well known, only two actors - Rodolfo Ranney ("On the wings of passion," "How are you and I," "Forbidden Love") and Victoria Onetti ("Wild Angel"). Onetti, unforgettable "butterfly" Lina friend Milagros-Cholito, very good looks against the team. Which could be the envy of all, the most expensive Argentine film. Even in small roles, not to mention the major stars whose names are pronounced in Argentina, with a gasp, theatrical luminaries, winners of various prizes, teachers, brought up a generation of actors.
Archivo Negro "," Artear ", Argentina, 1997, 15 series
Written by: Jorge Maestro Sergio Weinman, Gaston Pessac
Director: Fernando Bassi
Composer Osvaldo Montes

Is it easy to be rich?

That's who we happened to meet at RTV channel, where "Black List" can be seen every Saturday and Sunday. As recognized by the performer of the main "crime" as Julio Chavez, it was an experiment to which he agreed, as friends persuaded. However, the experience did not seem interesting to him, and Chavez is not going to return to television screens.

So this is a detective story about crime and punishment, but, even though one of the protagonists is a police inspector, the penalty does not come from the servants of the law, not by the court. The entire series - is one big vendetta, which punishes criminals miraculously surviving victim.

Once upon a rich wife of Duran, Amelia (Elsa Berenguer) and Esteban. In total they have had enough - the family business made them millionaires - but only the children God has given. Nephews, however, as many as four of the less fortunate brothers and sisters have taken care to elders who were to bequeath their wealth. Esteban gave birth slacker brother Juan Jose Duran. It is no longer a boy, and spent all his time in nightclubs, dabbles in drugs and to Uncle and Aunt applies to the source from which, thank God, we can draw.

Sister Esteban Rosario, the only one that's still alive, and gave the world Lukresiyu Aras Kasarega. Lukresiya (Pia Urebelarrea) - huge lady, kooky in the game of poker. Money she needed ever since losing Lukresiya heart. Aras (Daniel Fanego) is not such as a cold, calculating man who devotes himself to business. Since none of the young more to it did not seek, Aras was the right hand of his uncle and in fact led by "Duran" is ... At one point, Esteban learned that his nephew reached into his cash, and there is already a lot of steals. Scandal uncle said Aras that send him a thief in jail. Frightened, the nephew planned to kill the elderly and thus remain at large. But at the same time remain at the helm of the company, if Esteban and Amelia made sure his main heir of the sculptor Mateo Durand (Julio Chavez), his pupil and favorite ?!
Mateo's parents died when he was just a baby. He raised his uncle and aunt who loves scary guy. He's cute, gentle person, trusting, shy. If all the other members of the clan Duran likes to be the center of attention, the Mateo on the contrary, avoids all this hype, preferring to work quietly in his studio.

To get rid of both Esteban, Amelia and Mateo, Aras Kasarega conceives an ingenious combination that at first great work. But only at first ...

Very stupid killer

Late in the evening, when the sculptor Mateo went to wander around the city, in the mansion Duran entered the masked man. Huge butcher knife, he stabbed the elderly, was about to go to bed. Mateo at the time chatting to some diner to run down to his prostitute Silva (Victoria Onetti). She begged him professionally money "operation for the mother," and a guy with a pure heart gave her almost all the money from her purse, while refusing sexual compensation. Returning home, Mateo had a hard-fought from a friend of the artist Ariadne (Sandra Ballesteros), which required him to go with her to the show. And in the morning came the terrible news.

Inspector Ferrari (Rodolfo Ranney), who gave thirty years of service in the police, inspected the scene and tried to interrogate inconsolable nephews. Not only sobbed Mateo, he was shocked and could hardly understand what was happening. He did not immediately realize that it is the prime suspect. And not only because of the will of all the others received only a life annuity.
First of all, it became clear that the locks are not hacked. The culprit is not only easy to navigate in the mansion, but he knew that all the servants released over the weekend.
Moreover, judging by the wounds that he inflicted to the victims, it was a strong man, accustomed to wield a knife and familiar with the anatomy.

At the crime scene was found in only one print - boot. Bloody footprint size 42. When during the search in the studio Mateo found a pair of shoes of appropriate size, it did not take long to prove that they came to a deal killer. In vain sculptor he argued that he had not been such a pair, that they had been planted - in handcuffs, he was sent to prison.

Aras thought over literally everything to the last detail. The maid Rose testified in court that they sent off Mateo. Ariadne, suffering and weeping, confessed that Mateo came home so excited, as she never saw him again. And strange, very strange it was that fateful evening. All the cousins ​​in one voice insists that Mateo led dissolute life, forever in need of money and begged them with his uncle, who, despite all the love to the guy was going to change his will.

It would seem that with such witnesses could only sit and wait for the rest of Mateo sent on the bench, but such is not Aras Kasarega. He hires a lawyer to his cousin, a lawyer Ichagua (Marcos military), the purpose of which - finally drown his client. In addition, he met with the prosecutor Federico Prado (Marcelo Alfaro), whom everyone called "King of the charges," and knowing that he was going to make a political career, offering support for his influential family, if that helps "justice is done". Of course, Mateo was convicted. Sentence: life imprisonment without right to pardon.

- I know the truth - shouts Mateo, take out guards from the courtroom - I punish even from the dead!

In fairness, we note that the inspector Ferrari had a dissenting opinion, he believed that Mateo is too naive and stupid for the killer. But who will listen to the words of the old cop?
{mospagebreak} List of known

Mateo lucky. He is in the right place at the right time. A gang of criminals wanted to free his friend and started a fire. In the confusion of dying hero of the occasion, and a cunning Mateo, who had to put on his ring finger, was thrown from the car bandits as soon as an error is detected. He's on the loose. Police due rings considers it died in a fire, nobody, not a soul knows that he is alive and ready to retaliate.

The betrayal of loved ones, death of Amelia and Esteban, unfair trial - all turned in good-natured sculptor treacherous beast. Life interests him only as an opportunity to destroy all those who would destroy it. Very soon Mateo acquires his team, which implements its ingenious combination. Manuel (Alfonso de Gràcia) which takes up residence in the house of a runaway prisoner who was a friend of his uncle. He took them seriously death and learning that has been convicted of an innocent, but the real killer on the loose, Mateo offers its services. Hustler Churi (Favio Poska), a sculptor who once saved a life, and a prostitute Silva become fast friends and helpers of the avenger.

They begin with the fact that, overhearing a phone conversation with Aras assassin Maldonado, find out who was the direct perpetrator of "order." It's the killer talked too much, too many wanted to, but because the client is also handed Maldonado a death sentence. At that moment, when Mateo, passing greetings from the killer himself from the world, he brought the stone above his head, the bullet employed Aras sniper put an end to the life of the killer. Murder is also engaged in the last Ferrari, and this begins his interest in the case has already been closed Duran.

Strange robbers wandering about the house Kasarega, mysterious visitors interested vanished after a court maid Rosa, the subsequent news of the murder of the woman and her lover in Uruguay - all this could not guard an experienced police officer, although, in fact, all the facts lined up in clear She chains him later, after the death of Lukresii, Juan José Prado and the prosecutor

The first trap was easy. Silva, becoming for a time a rich lady, kooky on the basis of the game of poker, lured mamontoobraznuyu cousin Mateo created in haste last "club". Lose it to the skin, Lukresiya, gambling debts to pay that bothered Aras, begins to blackmail the latter. What the poor Ariadne dropped into the elevator shaft, reasoning that his sister is not in control of himself and can easily pass all of them. Death Lukresii terribly scared of Juan Jose. And without that not quite a normal guy now absolutely can not live without increasing doses of the drug. Bringing it to madness greetings from the world, Mateo welcomed the end of this worthless life - cousin thrown out the window.

The story of the prosecutor is more interesting. He was a member of the sect of Satanists, which is intended to become the head, for which his own sacrificed his wife. Mateo companions handed him over to the police at the very moment when Prado intended to commit ritual murder of the former head of the sect. Shortly after the arrest of a former prosecutor was poisoned.

Unfortunately, in this vendetta killing not only the guilty - the lawyer Ichagua Ariadne and - last - Aras Kasarega but themselves Avengers. First, when you try to kill the Aras was seriously injured Manuel, then hastily improvised Ferrari fired in chasing the motorcycle section "Duran" Churi - man died on the spot.

In the end, Ferrari Mateo stops at the airport, to collect other people's documents to leave the country, and ... let him go. After all, the poor fellow had to tell Manuel inspector, who actually was the murderer, and who - the victim, to compose your "black list".

Irina Grushin

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