• Natalia Oreiro: "I live the way I want"
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 Natalia Oreiro
 She said that for some time her life is moving in a different rhythm. After so many years of public life, and now she likes to play hide and seek with the public: it disappear, then reappear. It appears when it has a desire to present to the audience his new job. A chooses freely arrived at his own house, from which even shows the nose when it needs to "recharge the batteries" to move on.

Today, 26-year-old Natalia Oreiro reappeared in public after a short vacation, which she spent in the family circle .  Three months ago, the actress has been filming "Cleopatra", on which she worked with legendary Argentine cinema Norma Aleandro and director Eduardo Mignon .  Upon completion of shooting actress returned to his home, where for two years, lives with her husband - musician Ricardo Mollo and do what usually does in his spare time - take care of the garden, go on nature, or to visit their relatives who living in Uruguay .  And she says, is learning to play the drums, piano, masters of various gadgets .  "Sometimes I stay at home and sit back .  But it does not last more than two days .  Then, I again for something to undertake .  For example, I am doing home .  Suddenly, it occurs to me to alter the window, paint the room a different color, blagoustrait garden, think of a small top of the cabinets in the living room .  I can not stay long without work . "

It seems that you feel the mistress of his fate. You think that you live as you want or as you can?

How do I want.

Do you think it is your merit, or good fortune?

I think I can choose the life you want. The fact that I know what I want. And to me this is happening. There are so many talented people who can not realize their talents. There are those who find it difficult to live as they would like because they have empty stomach. Fortunately, I have in no way been wanting. In the house I always had food, a blanket, and even a book that I needed, although it was a photocopy of it. I even had a standard-bearer. No, the standard-bearer, and his assistant. But do you know why? Because my family led a nomadic life. I moved 23 times and studied all the time in different schools. A school always give preference to those who attended her first class. The rest are worthy of a follow. I have the opportunity to be realized. For some it is, others do not. I do not know why. I think that I have a magical life.


 Natalia Oreiro
 Wanting something and be able to fulfill this desire, is not every case. And with me - yes. So I like my life, although I, too, are things that have a headache, and even pimples. I am 26 years old, I'm in love, I'm doing what I like, I'm filming a wonderful director, I have a house, arranged for my taste, all the family are healthy - I believe that I have a wonderful life.

Recently Natalia the opportunity to fulfill one of his desires - to return to the big screen. Until now her account was only one film - "Un Argentino en New York", and after 1998 it will no longer act in films. Offers enough, but there was no standing scenario. This time, the story captured the actress. "Cleopatra" - is epic about two women who are tired of everyday life, who decide to escape from the usual routine, and at least one week to change your life. Oreiro plays the role of Sandra - capricious, whimsical, bulimia Bulimia: destructive lifestyle  Bulimia: destructive lifestyle
   TV stars, who at one point realizes that does not do what she wants and what she wants from others. And decides to change everything.

You find it hard to live away from their families (Filming took place in Mendoza)?

Well no. I have not seen friends and people with whom I communicate every day. I did not touch the phone. It was a total immersion in the work, in my character. Although I was a little missed my own bed, my friends. According to her husband - no, because most of the time he was with me. And he helped me make important decisions.

Which for example?

I always was scattered. One ends and immediately reached for another. Now I want to do something, and one hundred percent given to the case. I want to do it the principle of its work to create and then to be able to relax.

After that you had to go to the role turned out?

Through much. For example, I am trying to fight his ego. I used what I see as a fun, funny girls that love to everyone around. This time I have a completely different role. My character is not lit, it is extinct, sad.

And what happened to your ego when you had to "go out".

My ego is always playing tricks on me. I suffer a lot because of it. When someone hurts me, I start to think, "How can someone hurt me? Why did he do it, because I'm so good?"

And you coped with your own ego?

The ego is the worst that we have, especially artists. Fortunately, we have a chance to get on stage and show themselves. When I go on stage, I try to be a normal person. Heroin, which I used to play, always the center of attention, and this character is not the same, so for me, this role is a challenge. This girl should show through the sadness in his eyes. It should however be simultaneously and however not.

And how do you feel in this situation?

There were days of euphoria and tears, the days when I did not understand where I am and where my character. I looked in the mirror and ask yourself, "Where am I, who am I?" Because Sandra looked at me, and I did not.

It's unavoidable?

I was far from home, but I was surrounded by people with whom I worked. Endless rehearsals, reading of the script, only a short break to return to work. And one day there comes a time that, except for the film, you may not think about anything. I had insomnia. I could not get to sleep, wake up early. Besides, I always dreamed of shooting. I always thought that we are going to shoot the next day. While waiting their turn, she came out to take a walk or relax in his trailer, listening to Brian Eno (sometimes I listen to sleep, it's something like a mantra for me).

The heroine Natalia Sandra - woman, seemingly like her. "This is only the first impression The first impression in business and in personal relationships  The first impression in business and in personal relationships
 Because Sandra chose the acting profession, to be loved. I became an actress to be able to express themselves. Perhaps we like, because many times I feel that there are things in my life that do not bring me happiness, and I wanted to change them. "

For the role in "Cleopatra" actress not only by talking with those involved in the problems associated with eating disorders (bulimia, her character), but she lost five kilos. "It was predetermined scenario. During filming, I had to sew his mouth, not to eat. I'm to death like chocolate, pasta, pizza, bread and cheese. But I could not at the beginning of the film to be thin, and at the end of a round, c appetizing ass and breasts, "- says the actress. - "Every day I was engaged in exercise, aerobics. Completely abandoned chocolate, pizza and ice cream left for the weekend. But it was not difficult, because it required my character."

Natalia went and made great sacrifices - it's right in the picture broke up with her beautiful hair Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
 . When Natalia sheared, she sadly looked at how the fall of her luxurious tresses, and after the "execution", looked at her husband and said, "Honey, what if I told you?" - "You - Beautiful" - was the answer. Ricardo Mollo was almost all the time with his wife. "He drove me all the time, one day I was bad, I was afraid that I could not shoot. He is on the phone trying to persuade me to calm down, it's not worth it, it's not so important, and I he shouted into the phone: "It's very important to me! It's the most important! "I was going crazy, and luckily he was there to help not to lose control.

And you can control his emotions?

The family has no place control. This is called mutual love.

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