Physiotherapy darsonvalization method invented by the French physiologist, founder of Biophysics Jacques-Arsene d Arsonval in 1892. He proposed to use for medicinal purposes high voltage alternating current is very small forces with high-frequency vibrations of evanescent, is designed for that special spark generator.
Darsonvalization and its impact on the human body
Darsonvalization - a method of electrotherapy alternating current or pulsed electromagnetic field of high frequency. Under this name combines two disparate nature of the action on the body of the method - local and general darsonvalization.
With local darsonvalization on separate parts of the body to an alternating pulse current of high frequency (100-500 kHz)
. This gives rise to irritation of the skin receptors and tissue high-frequency electrical discharges, in a continuous manner between the gas-filled glass electrode and the skin
. The intensity of the exposure can be changed - from weak discharges are not causing the patient feelings, to spark, has a marked irritant effect on the skin or mucous membranes
. In the area of exposure increases the excitability of the motor and sensory nerve cells that extend arterioles and capillaries, increases the tone of venous walls, increasing blood circulation in the blood and in venous, stimulates metabolism, improves nutrition underlying tissues
. As a result, reduced pain sensitivity disorders, wound spasm of smooth muscles, increases flexibility and elasticity of the vascular walls
With a total darsonvalization (short-wave therapy) affect the body weak pulsed electromagnetic field of high frequency. Under the influence of a pulsed high-frequency field elektromagitnogo tissue alternately polarized charged particles and their weak eddy currents are induced, which occur as a result of complex physical and chemical transformation in cells and tissues slightly heated that has a soothing effect on the central nervous system. These processes can contribute to the reduction of elevated blood pressure, normalization of cerebral blood vessel tone and improve the regulation of metabolic processes.
Indications for darsonvalization
Local darsonvalization shows:
- Raynaud's disease in the early stages (persistent narrowing of the peripheral arteries with a violation of the blood supply to tissues);
- varicose veins
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shin and hemorrhoidal veins;
- when the effects of frostbite, nonhealing wounds, anal fissures;
- with periodontitis (periodontal tissue metabolic lesions) in the initial stage of the disease, chronic gingivitis (inflammation of the gums);
- if vasomotor rhinitis (runny nose, arising as a result of violations of motor activity of the blood vessels of the nasal mucosa);
- with neuritis of the auditory nerve;
- in initial stages of ischemic heart disease
Heart disease - symptoms of heart disease
Flowing with pain and metabolic disorders in the heart muscle;
- neuralgia (pain along the nerve) and neuritis (inflammation of nerves) of different origin;
- in cosmetology to improve the skin, improving its elasticity and firmness;
- to eliminate certain skin disorders, including acne
, Diathesis, eczema, neurodermatitis;
- for the normalization of the scalp.
Total darsonvalization (short-wave therapy) shows:
- with initial stages of hypertension;
- in functional disorders (without changing the structure) of the central nervous system, including the climacteric neurosis and insomnia.
Contraindications for darsonvalization
Local darsonvalization contraindicated:
- if you are hypersensitive impact;
- in hysteria;
- in all tumors;
- blood diseases, bleeding;
- with active pulmonary tuberculosis;
- during pregnancy;
- children up to 6 years;
- gipertinicheskoy in severe disease;
- for any acute disease, including fever.
Total darsonvalization (short-wave therapy) is contraindicated in all of these states, as well as cardiovascular disease.
The methodology of the darsonvalization
For local darsonvalization in our country for a long time I used the lamp unit "Iskra-1". Today released more modern equipment, the impact of which is the principle remains the same (Darsonval DE-212 Carat, Darsonval Corona Darsonval ELAD, Darsonval the ultra-AMP-2INT, Darsonval Ultratek SD-199).
Local darsonvalization carried out by moving the gas-filled glass electrode over the skin surface or mucous membrane. When abdominal procedures appropriately shaped electrodes are introduced into the body cavity. During the procedure, a patient should not be touched. The intensity of exposure - until you feel a light tingling or warmth. Perhaps a combination of local darsonvalization with other methods of physiotherapy, with the exception of high-frequency electrotherapy.
Short-wave therapy at the present time is a separate physiotherapy technique.
Galina Romanenko
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