When you eat more calories than you expend, your body stores the extra calories as fat. Usually, women accumulate fat in the abdomen, flanks and thighs, while men - on the abdomen and a "lifeline" on the sides of the waist. When you lose weight, your body tends to burn fat in the reverse order. This means that you need to be persistent in dropping weight for a long time to burn more fat and recently dialed especially fat on the thighs.
Step 1
Begin to execute a program that you can stick to. Moderately intense exercise, vypolnyaemy for most of the week at least thirty minutes, contribute to weight loss. Although it is impossible to lose weight only in certain places, bring your thighs to tone will help them become more resilient. Belly dancing, walking, jogging, exercise and weight exercises such as squats and lifting the legs to the side, help burn calories and lead to tone thighs.
Step 2
Write down everything you eat and drink, including the amount of at least five days. Record the total number of calories of food and drinks that you eat and drink. Refer to the label and a calorie counter to see how many calories you have used already. Multiply calories from the calculation of the amount of food that you eat. For example, nutritional information on the package chips can read that in the package is two and a half portion. If you ate a whole bag of chips, multiply the calories per serving two and a half.
Step 3
Trim the daily caloric intake by 500-1000 per day to lose weight. You may need to lose a few pounds, to see the difference on your hips. Review your notes about food to choose those foods or beverages that you want to restrict. For example, replace the protein drink chocolate mocha and nonfat yogurt replace chocolate bar.
Step 4
Be assertive in dropping weight, noting made you exercise in a notebook and watching the daily calorie intake. If you get off the race, return to the program as soon as possible. Once you burn more fat recently dialed by reducing calories and regular exercise, you will lose the excess fat from your thighs.
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