Want to lose weight, but with a minimum of effort? Want to regain the form without any time-consuming? Would you like to be constantly on our toes without sacrificing careers and personal lives? There is a way: callanetics. To date, this system of exercises is one of the most versatile types of exercise, suitable for people of any build and of any age. It does not force you to radically change the rhythm of life, will not introduce new restrictions on violent way.
Contraindications for doing Callanetics is perhaps that the postoperative period. Begin their studies only a year after the surgery. Also, a technique is not indicated for people with serious vision problems, suffer from asthma, and hypertension. Carefully watching and worth to those suffering from varicose veins
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American inventor Callanetics Callan Pinckney promises: "Ten lessons Callanetics will make you ten years younger! ". The most Callan, who invented the slow, requiring no sudden movements and energetic jumping fitness over fifty.
Pinckney was born with crooked legs and a thigh strain. For a long time, trying to overcome the shortcomings of the figure, she studied ballet and diving. Having gained experience, she created her own unique method in which organically intertwined Yoga
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African dance and ballet.
Basics Callanetics: static posture and streytching. Each session lasts about 60 minutes. After the obligatory warm-up is the main part consisting of specific exercises (including breathing). With the help of these exercises are designed absolutely all muscle groups. You work even with those muscles, the existence of which previously did not know!
Each exercise takes between 30 and 100 seconds. Its essence is that a person dies in a certain posture. From the exercise seems simple, even primitive. However, try before drawing final conclusions! In fact, a novice could hardly withstand even 15 seconds in a static position. From this came the name Callanetics "Gymnastics awkward postures"
For classes you do not even need a racing form. It is important that the clothes were free, and does not restrict movement. Music, under which you will be engaged should relax. Better to choose a quiet and relaxing soundtrack. Perhaps the best soundtrack for you will be quiet.
To properly fix its own motion, it is best to engage in the mirror. Catching up on their own, do not overdo it. It is better not to force her body, forcing him to that to which it is not yet ready.
Do not worry if after the first few sessions of weight loss will be insignificant, or even your weight will increase slightly. This is normal, because muscle weighs more than fat. The growth of muscle tissue compensates for the loss of weight at the initial stage of training. Over time, the weight starts to drop quickly.
During exercise closely follow the breath. It should be smooth, without delay. Otherwise, the body does not receive the necessary portions of the oxygen, and muscle - power.
The positive impact of this type of Callanetics organism is difficult to overestimate. Using it is easy to improve metabolism, to banish fat from problem areas. It also improves posture and flexibility trains. Callanetics great effect on the mind, calming the nerves. The technique is a sick osteochondrosis.
Callanetics principal difference from other types of fitness is that there is no load on the spine and the cardiovascular system. According to experts, one hour sessions Callanetics as effective as the 24 hours of study a traditional aerobics. But you will not do aerobics all day long!
However, it is important to remember that the achievement of results is only possible with regular workouts. With stunning results callanetics it comes to exercise, not a magical transformation, which often promise newfangled drugs for weight loss.
Anastasia Krainer
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