Healthy food for pregnant women
 Pregnancy - a special period in the life of every woman. A healthy, balanced diet is important not only for the health of pregnant women, but also for the health of the baby. Throughout the pregnancy, especially during the first trimester, a woman, in fact, eating for two - for himself and for the unborn child. Respect for a healthy diet provides normal physical and mental development of the fetus during pregnancy. In the normal diet of a pregnant woman must include fruits, vegetables, whole grains, fish, eggs, milk, cereal. A balanced diet - proteins, carbohydrates, healthy fats, vitamins and minerals.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

Folic acid in the diet of pregnant women

Folic acid - one of the major nutrients in the diet of pregnant women. Growth and development of the fetal nervous system, especially during the first trimester of pregnancy, is largely dependent on the content of folic acid in the diet of pregnant women. Folic acid deficiency can cause a number of birth defects - such as cleft lip Cleft lip  Cleft lip
   or congenital heart disease in children. It is recommended to take four milligrams of folic acid every day during the first trimester of pregnancy. In addition, supplements containing folic acid should be replaced with natural products containing an acid - is, primarily, leafy vegetables, including spinach, cabbage, beans, and all citrus fruits. When temperature processing vegetables lose a lot of nutrients, so eating them raw is better, or steamed.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

The iron in the diet of pregnant women

 Healthy food for pregnant women
 Iron plays an important role in the production of hemoglobin in the blood of both the mother and for the unborn child, along with proteins. Iron is essential for normal bone formation - bones and teeth of the fetus. Deficiency of iron in the diet of pregnant women can provoke anemia. Iron-rich fruits and vegetables - such as potatoes, broccoli, all green vegetables, dates - the best source of iron in the diet of pregnant women.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

Calcium in the diet of pregnant women

Calcium, as well as iron, plays a critical role in the growth of bones and teeth of the fetus. During pregnancy, particularly during the first eight weeks of pregnancy, an increased amount of recommended calcium intake - for example, daily use of the three batches of yoghurt or milk rich in calcium. In addition, calcium-rich dairy products, leafy vegetables, spinach and green vegetables in the diet are also needed for normal growth and development of the fetus.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

Protein in the diet of pregnant women

Protein-rich diet is very important for the overall growth of the child. During pregnancy diet must include more products - sources of protein, such as fish, meat, nuts, eggs, beans and peas.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

Vitamin C in the diet of pregnant women

Eating vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   Since during pregnancy plays a vital role in the formation of a healthy placenta, increases the absorption of iron and the ability of the body of the pregnant woman and the fetus fight infections. The richest sources are necessary for the health of the pregnant woman and the baby vitamin C - all citrus fruits and green vegetables are best consumed fresh and raw. Long-term storage and heat treatment in cooking are deprived of fruits and vegetables most of the nutrients.

 Healthy food for pregnant women: a balanced diet

The liquid in the diet of pregnant women

Increased fluid consumed is very important during pregnancy - lack of fluid in the body of a pregnant woman can cause a number of unpleasant problems of constipation and hemorrhoids to urinary tract infections. The recommended amount of liquid in the diet of pregnant women - two to three liters of water or fruit juice daily. Coffee, soft drinks, tea can not compensate for a lack of fluid in the body - in fact, caffeine Caffeine - enemy or friend?  Caffeine - enemy or friend?
 In coffee, actually reduces the amount of fluid in the body of the pregnant woman.

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