Nasal polyps: a common problem
 Polyps - a mucosal tissue overgrowth, which respectively may appear wherever there mucous. In nasal polyps are formed frequently and can significantly impair the quality of life of the patient. The disease affects mainly adults, and men more often than women. In childhood polyps are less common, but nevertheless, this is not isolated cases.

 Nasal polyps: a common problem

Causes and symptoms

Why did this or that person has nasal polyps Polyps in the nose: a common nuisance  Polyps in the nose: a common nuisance
 Still not clear, but there is a clear correlation between the incidence of nasal polyps in people with severe allergies, hay fever, asthma Bronchial asthma  Bronchial asthma
   and some other diseases. Very often nasal polyps develop in people who are allergic to pollen, like nasal mucosa in such a way is trying to reduce the pollen from entering the body.

Polyps can grow anywhere, but most often grow on top, sinking into the nasal passages, they are in the sinuses. There may be single or multiple polyps. Clinical symptoms depend on the number and size of polyps. The more polyps grow, the more difficult is nasal breathing, and this causes the patient's complaints. Typical symptoms are difficulty in nasal breathing, poor foam or mucous discharge from the nose, headache Headache  Headache
 , Feeling of weakness in the morning. Disturbed sense of smell and taste, if a polyp long squeezes mucosa with the receptors, these changes may be irreversible.

 Nasal polyps: a common problem

Diagnosis and treatment strategy

Polyps are clearly visible at normal rinoskopii audiologist, however, if the polyps are located in the paranasal sinuses, they can be suspected when radiography, and confirmed only operations.

Upon detection of polyps before the doctor the task of clarifying their causes, which, first of all, the patient is sent for consultation to the allergist. Depending on the conclusion of an allergist may be selected one of the possible treatment strategies:

  • Polyps that are slightly difficult nasal breathing and have an allergic nature heals allergist.
  • Polyps are having an allergic nature, greatly complicating nasal breathing, partially delete an otolaryngologist, but the main treatment carries an allergist.
  • Polyps are not having an allergic nature, otolaryngologist treats most often performed to remove them.

 Nasal polyps: a common problem

The main methods of treatment

The first eliminated the factors that stimulate the growth of polyps, avoid contact with pollen, drugs, occupational allergens, infectious agents and fungi, prohibited use of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs as well as natural salicylates, food additives and dyes.

Is the treatment of diseases of the nose. Appointed by the local anti-inflammatory drugs, such as fluticasone and beclomethasone. They are also used antihistamines: loratadine, cetirizine and the like.

Well established cromoglycates which are mast cell stabilizers: kromoglin, kromogeksal, Inta. When necessary, the specific immunotherapy.

If conservative therapy is not effective, surgery is performed. Contraindications to him is only the flowering period Allergenic plants and aggravation of diseases such as asthma and obstructive bronchitis. The operation is performed under local anesthesia, but can be carried out under general and, for example, children. Complications after surgery can be bleeding and adhesions mucous nasal passages.

Unfortunately, surgery is not a guarantee that polyps will not grow again, so prompt treatment is almost always combined with medication.

Svetlana Shimkovich

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