Treatment of mastitis
 Mastitis affects women between the ages of fifteen and fifty-five years. Mastitis occurs most often in the postpartum period. According to statistics, it affects about six percent of women in childbirth. It is important not to miss mastitis and begin early treatment of the disease. This is one unpleasant feature of mastitis Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?  Mastitis - what to do with the inflammation of the breast?
   - The longer the process takes, the more difficult and longer than its treatment. Treatment of mastitis should be done only under medical supervision, since it threatens to complications for both mother and child.

 Treatment of mastitis

A bit of mastitis

Mastitis - is an infectious disease of the breast, the essence of which is released into the ducts and lobules of the breast microorganisms. Mastitis occurs in three stages:

  • serous, which is characterized by a rise in temperature, the development of intoxication (deterioration of health, chills) and the appearance of pain, swelling and engorgement of the breast;
  • infiltrative - there is a high temperature in the breast appear one or more seals, sharply painful and hot to the touch;
  • purulent - breast swelling, enlarged, palpable areas of softening, body temperature reaches forty degrees and above.

 Treatment of mastitis

Treatment of mastitis

As noted above, self-mastitis is not acceptable, particularly traditional methods. Treatment of the disease depends on the stage of the process, the general condition of the patient and duration of disease. Basic principles of treatment of mastitis:

  • suppression of growth and development of microorganisms;
  • pain relief;
  • reduce inflammation.

Treatment of mastitis can be both conservative and operative:

 Treatment of mastitis

Conservative treatment of mastitis

Conservative therapy is conducted in the serous and infiltrative disease stage .  At the stage of serous mastitis the main treatment is to regularly (every three hours) pumping breast .  Expressing breast milk contributes to the evacuation of the infected, and with it the agents of the disease and greatly facilitates for mastitis .  If there is no effect after one or two days serous mastitis goes into infiltrative, in which marked fever, deterioration of general condition, and the breast is determined by swelling, redness of the skin over the affected slice and pain .  In this case there is a need to designate antibacterials .  The choice of antibiotic carried in view of its easy ingress into the mammary gland and milk after seeding on the sensitivity to bacteria .  Antibiotics administered intramuscularly and intravenously for five to ten days, depending on the stage of the process and efficiency .  Use of the latest generations of antibiotics (ciprofloxacin, cephalosporins, clindamycin, amoksiklav Amoxiclav - an effective antibiotic  Amoxiclav - an effective antibiotic
   and others). Furthermore, for the purpose of anesthesia to the breast (in between feedings) is applied cold or appointed procaine blockade and continue pumping (oxytocin can assign to better milk outflow). Withdrawal symptoms of intoxication made infusion therapy (intravenous drip of saline solution and glucose). Also, the stimulation of immunity (immunoglobulins). In some cases, you need to suppress lactation:

  • long-term treatment of mastitis and no effect (if four or five days of treatment no improvement);
  • purulent mastitis, especially in the case of purulent mastitis history (purulent mastitis evidence of lowered immunity - the mammary gland during lactation Breastfeeding: notes  Breastfeeding: notes
   susceptible to microbial attack);
  • mastitis, which developed in the lower quadrants of the breast (in these areas practically do not develop mastitis lactostasis and therefore the breast is highly sensitive to infections);
  • severe general condition of the woman, including severe chronic disease.

To suppress lactation prescribed bromocriptine (parlodel).

In the case of purulent mastitis held his surgery. The essence of the treatment is in the showdown focus festering, pus evacuation and drainage cavity. In addition to the surgical treatment continue or prescribe antibiotics, infusion therapy, and more.

Anna Sozinova

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