 Mifegin is a synthetic drug that was created as an alternative to surgical abortion. In Western Europe, the prevalence of medical abortion Effectively medical abortion?  Effectively medical abortion?
   It reaches eighty percent, since the method is considered less traumatic procedure than a traditional abortion. Mifegin is a pill for internal use, which is the active ingredient Mifepristone. Since the drug has a rather serious effect on the body, it can only be used in a medical institution in the presence of trained medical staff and the necessary equipment.

 Mifegin - medical termination of pregnancy

Effect of the drug Mifegin

Mifegin refers to antiprogesteronovym drugs. Its action is aimed at reducing the concentration of human chorionic gonadotropin, a violation of the attachment of a fertilized egg to the uterine wall by increasing the contractile ability of the muscle layer of the uterus and cervical dilatation. Such an effect of the drug leads to abortion and the expulsion of the ovum from the uterus.

Action Mifegin is due to the effect that the active substance mifepristone on the hormonal system of the female body, namely -Lock action of progesterone at the receptor level of the uterus. This progesterone is responsible for maintaining pregnancy, and its antagonist - mifespriston blocks the action of the hormone.

 Mifegin - medical termination of pregnancy

Indications for use

Mifegin used for medical termination of intrauterine pregnancy up to six weeks with amenorrhea to forty-two days. Mifegin taken in combination with synthetic prostaglandin analogues. For up to twelve weeks Mifegin can be used for the preparation of the cervix prior to surgical abortion. For medical Mefigin can be used for induction in the second and third trimester - in the case of interrupted pregnancy and fetal death.

Apply Mifegin and in the absence of labor already at physiologically full-term pregnancy. In this case Mifegin promotes softening of the cervix and increase the contractile ability. Mifegin used during gynecological operations to expand the cervix, which can simplify the operation and reduce the risk of injury. Mifegin used as emergency contraception to prevent unintended pregnancy if had unprotected sexual intercourse. In this case, Mifegin can be used only on prescription, within the first seventy-two hours after intercourse.

 Mifegin - medical termination of pregnancy

Advantages and disadvantages of the drug

The advantages of the drug Mifegin can be attributed to the high efficiency and painless procedure. This eliminates a number of side effects which may occur in the application during a surgical abortion anesthesia. The absence of surgery eliminates the risk of infection, trauma and cervical walls of the uterus, vagina. Medical abortion does not have such a serious impact on the subsequent reproductive function of the traditional abortion. Mefigin does not lead to the obstruction of the fallopian tubes, or to the development of adhesions.

Abortion Mifegin performed at the earliest timing, almost the same day, and the recovery period after it takes no more than six hours. Disadvantages include the possibility of incomplete Mifegin abortive effect, possible adverse reactions, that may be associated with taking the drug itself, and with the application procedure. Quite often during the procedure are observed abdominal pain, may be present weakness, nausea and vomiting, dizziness, and "hot flashes." Some patients may have fever.

 Mifegin - medical termination of pregnancy


Contraindications: idiosyncrasy of the active substance and a history of allergic reactions to mifepristone Mifepristone and misoprostol for abortion: two components of a single method  Mifepristone and misoprostol for abortion: two components of a single method
 , Suspected ectopic pregnancy, chronic renal failure and adrenal disease, severe asthma Bronchial asthma  Bronchial asthma
 , Obstructive lung disease, infection or pelvic inflammatory disease, the presence of bleeding disorders such as anemia second or third degree, hemophilia, the use of anticoagulants.

Mifegin can only be used in a medical institution, after the comprehensive examination of the patient. The drug is only possible in the presence of a doctor, under recommended dosage, and their obligatory observation of the patient during the first four hours after ingestion. For effective results, it is important to comply strictly with all the doctor's recommendations and re-apply to a specialist for monitoring or timely detection of adverse symptoms.

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