Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking hormones
   Violation of the menstrual cycle at least once in their lives, but occurs in every woman. The causes are many, this can be a stressful situation, and infectious and chronic somatic diseases, and pathology of the sexual sphere. Not last place in violation of the menstrual cycle takes taking hormones, which are often appointed to contraceptive purposes. If any deviation from the normal menstrual cycle The normal menstrual cycle: the main feature of women's health  The normal menstrual cycle: the main feature of women's health
   in the background or after taking hormones should immediately consult a doctor to determine the cause or possible pregnancy.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones necessary to survey

Classification of contraceptive hormones

All contraceptive hormones for medical classifications are divided into two major groups:

  • Combined oral drugs containing estrogen and progestin (one-, two-, and three-phase);
  • progestin preparations, which include those only progestin (the mini-pill, injection, and subcutaneous implants).

Monophasic contraceptives contain a constant dose of estrogen and progestogen component in each tablet. There are many types of monophasic contraceptive pill, they differ on the dose, type of estrogen and progestin. These include: Mikroginon, Diane-35, Marvelon, Mersilon, Logest and others.

Biphasic oral contraceptives are drugs containing a constant dose of estrogen and progestogen dose varying in different phases of the menstrual cycle (Anteovin). They show a woman sensitive to progestogens.

Three-phase alternating characterized combined contraceptives containing hormones in each tablet, respectively phases of the menstrual cycle The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable  The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
   (Triziston Three-regolith, Trikvilar). These drugs are recommended for women age 35-40 years and under 18 years of age, and smoking women and women with obesity.

Preparations containing progestogen only, appointed in a continuous mode (mini-pill) for women in the postpartum period. Injectables and the subdermal implants are usually prescribed for therapeutic purposes.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones necessary to survey

Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking hormones

Violation of the menstrual cycle on the background or after taking hormones is manifested in the form of:

  • intermenstrual uterine bleeding;
  • amenorrhea;
  • irregular menses (menstrual cycle length varies);
  • painful menstruation.

Intermenstrual uterine bleeding during the first three months are the norm and are associated with the "addiction" of the body to hormones coming from the outside. Occurrence daub after three months of taking the drug may be due to incorrectly chosen contraceptive (too high a dose of hormones) or skip the next tablet.

Amenorrhea hormonal agents linked again with too high a dose of hormones in the drug and often occurs after injecting drugs progestin (Depo-Provera). Irregular menstruation is usually explained by the very "free" hormonal means to accelerate or delay the onset of menstruation. With frequent crashes of similar experiments in the menstrual cycle, even after discontinuation of the drug. Painful menstruation can also occur if the wrong pick up a preparation, as well as on the background of improper location of uterine adhesions or endometriosis.

A separate line is hormonal means in an emergency (fire contraception). This contraception is often accompanied by menstrual irregularities Violation of the menstrual cycle: types and causes  Violation of the menstrual cycle: types and causes
   as uterine bleeding or amenorrhea.

Emergency contraception is conducted hormonal preparations that contain excessively high dose of hormones (Postinor), which is very adversely affects the ovaries and should be in the ideal case, one or two times in my life, but not more often than once every six months.

 Violation of the menstrual cycle after taking the hormones necessary to survey


After discontinuation of the drug on their own menstrual cycle is restored within a maximum of three months. In the event of amenorrhea prescribe drugs containing progesterone, which causes menstruation. In the event of intermenstrual uterine bleeding prescribe symptomatic hemostatic therapy (Dicynonum, broth nettle Ascorutinum).

For the prevention of violations of the cycle recommended a thorough examination of a gynecologist, who will pick up the necessary medication, pelvic ultrasound and hormone research.

Anna Sozinova

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