• Placental abruption - why is it so dangerous to a woman's life?
  • Danger

 the risk of placental abruption

Placental abruption - the danger?

Most men and some of nulliparous women have the mistaken idea that labor ends the birth of the child. It turns out, not really. After about fifteen or twenty minutes after that there are more fights, the purpose is to rid the mother's body from the placental tissue. Therefore, detachment of the placenta - this is a normal phase of a woman in labor, which occurs after the birth of the child and is accompanied by a rejection of the uterine cavity so-called placenta - placenta and fetal membranes. This stage of labor is called - sequence.

It's quite another matter if the detachment of the placenta begins early. This can happen both during labor contractions and expulsion of the fetus, and at one stage of pregnancy. In such situations, often raises the question of saving the lives of not only the child, but the woman herself.


Why can occur placental abruption

The reasons can be several. Firstly, placental shell can peel off as a result of trivial trauma: a blow to the abdominal wall, falling on his stomach, and other mechanical pressure. The second cause of placental abruption may be an infectious-inflammatory process in the uterus, as well as a variety of diseases associated with high blood pressure High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies  High blood pressure - one of the most frequent pathologies
 . This is due to the negative impact of a high pressure High pressure  High pressure
   on membranes of blood vessels that provide the fetus with oxygen and nutrients. As a result, blood vessels are damaged, which leads to detachment of the placenta. Such kind of pathologies are hypertension, some diseases of the endocrine system (thyroid gland, adrenal glands, and others.), Heart disease, obesity, etc.

Very often, placental abruption occurs when the birth of twins The birth of twins: double joy or double test  The birth of twins: double joy or double test
   This first little baby, as a rule, leaves the natural birth canal is normal, but this can happen after detachment of amniotic membrane .  Also, placental abruption is often due to its low position in the womb .  From the reasons to be distinguished predisposing factors that increase the risk of placental detachment .  These include bad habits, drug use, later age of the woman, repeated births (t . e .  the birth of the second - the third child), inadequate nutrition .  Depending on the extent and strength of the damaging factor detachment of the placenta may be total or partial .  With complete detachment is not possible to save the child .  In addition, much of the forecast of obstetric pathology depends on the place of occurrence of detachment .  If placental separation has occurred in the peripheral part, the possibility of a successful outcome is much higher than in the central portions of placental damage .  Besides central detached placental membranes creates conditions for internal bleeding and accumulation of blood in the uterine wall .  As a result, the uterus is stretched, promoting even greater damage to other placental blood vessels and causing rapid progression of hypoxia (oxygen deficiency) in the fetus .


Special Features

For the clinical picture with placental abruption characterized by pain in the lower abdomen .  The intensity of the pain depends on the severity of placental abruption .  An important criterion is the presence of bleeding from the vagina .  Bleeding may be scarce or abundant, it also depends on the extensiveness of pathological process .  As already mentioned, in some cases, the blood can not go out and accumulate in the walls of the uterus .  In identifying intrauterine bleeding (laboratory blood tests, ultrasound, etc. . d . ) A woman is subject to hospitalization and emergency caesarean section .  However, in some cases, placental abruption is so insignificant that runs completely asymptomatic .  However, after the release of the placenta during childbirth these fabrics are subject to scrutiny .  If it shows signs of placental abruption, the uterus is subject to a thorough manual inspection there remained any fragments that could later cause some pathology .

Placental abruption is diagnosed on clinical grounds with laboratory confirmation, which carried ultrasound and determine the degree of hypoxia in the fetus. Since recreate damaged placental vessels impossible with placental abruption causes birth taking all possible measures to save the life of the mother and child.

  Zhiguli Andrew

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