• Postinor - means of emergency contraception
  • Mechanism of action

 the mechanism of action of Postinor

The mechanism of action of Postinor

Women - being unpredictable and desperate. What recklessness woman can perform the feat, with the same, on the same emotions, she throws herself into the whirlpool of passion, forbidding himself to think about the consequences. Sobering comes sooner or later, it is better if earlier. It was such a night, even on Postinor somehow can not remember ... Now what?

In pharmacies a great variety of means to prevent pregnancy, including for post-coital contraception. The most popular has been and remains the drug Postinor. It is used in cases of "fire" of contraception, according to the rules of reception and contraindications.

Postinor - it progestagensoderzhaschy preparation in which the active substance is levonorgestrel at a dose of 0, 75 mg.

The action of the drug is based on three points.

  • The first point. Active ingredient levonorgestrel inhibits ovulation, resulting in the oocyte maturation occurs and its exit in the abdominal cavity with a view to getting into the fallopian tube.
  • The second point. The active ingredient alters the normal course of the secretory phase of the menstrual cycle The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable  The phases of the menstrual cycle failures unacceptable
 It causes temporary atrophic changes in the endometrium (the mucous membrane of the uterus), thus violating its ability to implant (attach) a fertilized egg.
  • The third point. Under the influence of Postinor mucus in the cervix becomes thick and viscous, which prevents the penetration of sperm into the uterus.



  • Unprotected sexual intercourse (casual sex)
  • Contraceptive method that has been used, for some reason, was ineffective (condom breakage or slippage, loss of intrauterine device IUD: a reliable and efficient means  IUD: a reliable and efficient means
 , An error in the calculation of "safe" days, a failure in the application of the method of interrupted sexual intercourse, a pass to the use of oral hormonal contraceptives)
  • Rape



The drug when administered inside quickly and completely absorbed from the gastrointestinal tract. The highest concentration of drug in the blood observed after two hours. The collapse of its happening in the liver. The half-life is 2-7 hours. Penetrates into breast milk.


Dosage regimen Postinor

The package contains two pills, ample dose for the prevention of unwanted pregnancies. The dosage regimen simple. The first tablet is taken within 72 hours after unprotected intercourse and the second pill 12 hours later, but not later than 16 hours. The effect of the higher than previously approved the first tablet. With proper and timely receipt of Postinor effectiveness of prevention of unwanted pregnancies is 95%. If vomiting was within the first three hours after administration, must also take another tablet. Action Postinor decreases with repeated sexual acts that require supplementation pills in eight hours after the first.



  • Hypersensitivity of the components of the drug
  • Diseases of the liver and biliary tract
  • Jaundice during pregnancy, including a history of jaundice
  • Bleeding from the genital tract of unknown origin
  • Pregnancy or the suspicion of it
  • Thromboembolism
  • Age younger than 16 years


Side effects

  • From the gastrointestinal tract: nausea, vomiting, diarrhea
  • From the nervous system: fatigue, headache, dizziness
  • On the part of the reproductive system: spotting, abdominal pain, profuse bleeding, breast engorgement



Postinor can not be used for emergency contraception too often. According to the handbook Vidal is permissible to take no more than four tablets a month, that is, using this method can be used no more than twice a month. It should be noted that the excessive use of this method can lead to dysfunction of the ovaries, and consequently, infertility.

It is undesirable to also take Postinor with irregular menstrual cycle Irregular menstrual cycle: look for the cause  Irregular menstrual cycle: look for the cause
 . The drug is allowed on any day of the menstrual cycle, with the condition that the previous menstrual period has passed in time. Postinor ineffective as pregnancy. If fertilization has occurred in patients receiving the drug, it does not exclude an ectopic pregnancy. If necessary, you can use Postinor women during lactation, subject to the following rules: take the drug immediately after a feeding, and after receiving skip the next lactation.


Interaction with other drugs

Postinor effect is reduced in patients receiving rimfapitsina, ampicillin, tetracycline, barbiturates, karbamazepima and some other drugs.

Having considered all the evidence and the side effects of Postinor, selection should take place in favor of other means of contraception. If you have a well-established private life, it is necessary to consult a doctor in order to select oral hormonal contraceptives.

Anna Sozinova

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Article Tags:
  • Contraceptives
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