• Pregnancy Calendar - characteristics of each period
  • Second Trimester
  • Third Trimester

 the third trimester of pregnancy calendar

Pregnancy Calendar - Third Trimester: Week 29

By this time the uterus is increased up to about the size of a basketball. Because of this, it becomes difficult lacing shoes, shave their legs, and perform other tasks. At the same time the fruit is becoming more sensitive to light and sound.

  • What happens inside

The weight of the fetus at the time of about 1133 g, and the length of his body - about 43.1 cm. The pancreas is a child begins to produce a substance that converts to the placenta estriol (form of estrogen). It is assumed that estriol causes secretion of prolactin in the mother's body, and prolactin, in turn, stimulates the production of breast milk. Thus, even if the child is born prematurely, you'll still be able to breastfeed.

With each subsequent week of pregnancy increases the likelihood that a child will be born strong and healthy - that is, born at 30 weeks for him better than the 29 and 31 week - even better, and so on. At this stage of prenatal development of the baby's brain can already determine the rhythm of breathing and control body temperature, therefore decreasing the likelihood that the early appearance of the light he needed mechanical ventilation. A child growing eyelashes, there is fatty tissue - is very small, and continues to develop the brain. A number of studies suggest that at this time the child's brain has developed so much that it starts to dream.

Since the level of prolactin in the blood rises, the breasts begin to produce more colostrum, which is why on the clothes and underwear are wet spots appear regularly. Prolactin also has a sedative effect, so many women at this time often feel very sleepy during the day.

Now the queen strongly presses on the bladder, and a future mother occur frequent urination - as well as in the first trimester, but for a different reason.

If possible, at this time should continue to practice yoga Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin  Yoga - the way to preserve youth and health of skin
 , Swimming or other sports not related to lifting weights. On the twenty-ninth week to do it is not as easy as in the first and second trimester, but get over yourself is - approaching labor does not mean that the load can be reduced to a minimum (except in cases where it is recommended by your doctor). Many women say that in late pregnancy is exercise, paradoxically, helped them relax. Training - is not even the most intense - help to better cope with stress (which is often caused by thoughts about the upcoming birth), and avoid excess weight and reduce the risk of complications during pregnancy. Finally, women who during pregnancy exercise regularly, births are, on average, better than those who move a little.

On the twenty-ninth week is to go shopping and buy for the future of the child all that you have not yet bought. It is also better to have right now to collect the bag Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe  Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe
 With which you go to the hospital when labor begins. By this time, of course, you already have to choose the hospital in which to give birth. If possible, also should choose a doctor who will accept your labors, and to meet with him in advance. Finally, if you and your partner have discussed the possibility of his presence at birth, by this time you need to finally decide on this question.


Week 36

A child at this time is usually moved lower - as the body prepares for childbirth, and a woman because of this it becomes easier to breathe (the uterus is no longer presses on the diaphragm), but the urge to urinate become even more frequent.

  • What happens inside

The baby weighs about 2700 grams, and quickly gaining weight. Its growth in this period is about 52 cm.

Have you noticed that in the thirty-sixth week, the baby began to move less active? If so, you should not worry. These changes mark 5-10% of mothers. This is due to the fact that the child is becoming more and he did not have enough space for active movement. But, despite this, you have to feel the movement of the child more than ten times a day. If you feel that you did not feel it for a long time, drink some sweet drink, such as orange juice, and lie on your side. In most cases, the children then begin to move. If not, contact your doctor.

In general, you have to wait for delivery, closely monitor changes its state. You can complete the preparation of the house to a new tenant, invite someone from relatives or friends who can help in the early days after birth, and just enjoy the last days, when your child is still a part of your body.

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