• When a sore throat - find reasons
  • Why

 Why sore throat

Why sore throat: causes

Sore throat - this is a very unpleasant feeling, often accompanied by high fever, dry cough intrusive, difficulty swallowing, and even breathing. In the area of ​​the throat arranged various organs and tissues, so the sore throat may differently.


Why can occur sore throat

The most common cause of sore throat are inflammatory diseases of various organs and tissues located in the throat. This can be a sore throat (tonsillitis), pharyngitis (sore throat), laryngitis (inflammation of the larynx). All of them are accompanied by pain in the throat in combination with other features. Various diseases and require different approaches to treatment.



Angina - an inflammation of the tonsils. Most often there is a purulent tonsillitis - or follicular lacunar. When lacunar angina pus released from the gaps - gaps in the tonsils, with follicular - pustules appear on the tonsils - tonsil follicles and look like a cap toadstools.

Purulent tonsillitis begins acutely, with fever, chills and sore throat growing. It becomes hard to swallow sometimes tonsils increase in size so that nearly closed the shed.

The most important treatment of purulent angina - is bed rest and abundant warm drink. If angina is transferred to the legs, it contributes to the spread of infection through the bloodstream, causing complications in the internal organs. The most serious complications - from the heart and kidneys, to treat them and then have a very long time, it is possible that life.

Copious warm drink need to with plenty of fluids to bring the kidneys and then the maximum number of infectious agents, toxins, and their decay products tissues. You can drink milk with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
 , Soda, lemon tea, mineral water, juices, and just water. Drinking should not be cold or hot, just warm.

Gargle need to wash and remove the pus. The lower left of pus, the easier it will be the patient's condition. Gargle can soda solution (1 teaspoon per cup of water), manganese (pink solution, but without crystals), herbal extracts - chamomile Chamomile: the rays of beauty  Chamomile: the rays of beauty
 , Marigold, sage (all brewed at the rate tablespoon per cup of boiling water, leave for 15-20 minutes, filtered and used for rinsing). Of drugs, you can use 0, 02% solution furatsilina (tablet 0, 02 for a glass of water), miramistinom.

When purulent tonsillitis usually prescribed antibiotics, but they may appoint a doctor.



The inflammatory process in the pharyngitis often occurs without pus, but there are purulent pharyngitis, often they occur after removal of the tonsils. Pharyngitis may be acute or chronic.

Acute pharyngitis often develops on the background of acute respiratory viral diseases. Initially, there is a feeling of sharp dryness, the heat in the throat, pain when swallowing food and saliva. Overall condition with pharyngitis rarely broken, the body temperature usually is not increased.

In chronic pharyngitis sensation in the throat less pronounced, they are periodically reinforced. This mucosa can grow (hypertrophic pharyngitis) or, alternatively, to dry (atrophic pharyngitis).

Treatment of acute pharyngitis - a sparing diet (warm, soft does not irritate the mucous membrane of the food), gargling with warm alkaline solution helps cleanse mucus from the mucous membrane and its heat up. Gargle can infusions herbs (chamomile, sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
   and so on) that remove pain.

Treatment of chronic pharyngitis - a difficult task, it requires an individual approach and complete examination of the patient, as inflammation in the throat may be the result of a chronic gastrointestinal disease. In any case, all treatment should be supervised by an otolaryngologist.



Laryngitis - an inflammation of the larynx. In most cases, laryngitis, just like pharyngitis, arises against colds. The first sign of laryngitis - hoarseness and barking cough. Since the throat - is the initial respiratory tract, the swelling can cut off her air flow to the lungs. It is this dangerous laryngitis, especially in children. Laryngeal edema is called false croup. In such cases, the patient requires urgent medical assistance, otherwise he could suffocate.

Treatment of laryngitis - is, above all, the voice mode: the patient should no longer remain silent in the conversation do not raise your voice, whisper it also strains the vocal cords. You can not eat spicy, salty, hot, cold food, drink alcoholic beverages. Gargling laryngitis does not help, you need to do inhalation, for example, are as follows: the bottom of the teapot (below the output nozzle) pour hot mineral water or soda solution (a teaspoon of baking soda in a glass of water), take a tip in the mouth, inhale the steam through the mouth , exhale through the nose. Doctor laryngitis necessarily prescribe antihistamines (eg tavegil or suprastin) in order to reduce the swelling of the mucous membrane of the larynx.

When a sore throat, it is better to sit at home and fully recover, as treatment of complications will take you much more time and effort.

Galina Romanenko

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