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Dandelion - one of the most common plants on the ground, easy to adapt to their environment, grow well in the sun and in the shade, on the plains and in the mountains, among other herbs and a single. Since the end of April and throughout May roadsides, lugovinki, small hills and edges of fields brighten bright yellow
What color is combined yellow: Armed and Fabulous
Like so many tiny suns shines in emerald green. It opened to the sun dandelions. Dandelion - a perennial herb, with a rod, fleshy root and basal rosette carved leaves, belongs to the family Asteraceae. Floral hollow boom, from 10 to 30 cm tall, sometimes up to 50 cm, ending with a single decorative golden yellow basket. The fruit - achene fluffy that after ripening to form gray-white fluffy balls. All organs of the plant have a white sap, very bitter taste. Dandelion root has a large, far-reaching deep into the soil and reaches the aquifer, and therefore can grow on dry, trodden areas. Each segment of the root can give a new plant. Baskets dandelion in wet weather was not disclosed, and if dry 5-6 hours between open and closed to 14-15 hours.
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