• Geisha
  • Geisha Story

Geisha Story

History of art dating back to the skill of a Geisha saburuko (VII century) and sirabёsi (early XIII century) - Women uveselitelnits .  Those without male protection of women - widows, orphans - were forced to roam the country, offering for money or food sex .  Most of them were representative of the poorest segments, but among them there are, and will find themselves in the unfortunate fate that position educated and cultured lady, familiar with the art of dance, singing, playing musical instruments .  Such saburuko often invited to various entertainment feasts .  At the end of XII - early XIII Japan is going through difficult times, the power shifted from the aristocracy to the military samurai class .  The young offspring of impoverished noble family names had no choice as its own to ensure their lives and livelihood .  Highly educated women, the former aristocrat familiar with the music, poetry, exquisite manners, were forced to entertain men, entertaining men's parties .  These girls were called by name sirabёsi old dance, which is performed by women, dressed in men's suits .  Some sirabёsi reached staggering heights and became mistresses of the Emperor .

The first walled "gay neighborhoods" appeared in Japan only at the end of the XVI century. Like many other aspects of Japanese culture, they imitated the similar institutions in China of the Ming Dynasty. In the middle of the XVII century amusement quarters were moved to another location and became known as Shimabara (named after the castle in Kyushu).

Meanwhile, moorland (Yoshivara) in the city of Edo was defined as a place for brothels quarter. It was in the reign of the Tokugawa clan, which is not only sanctioned prostitution, but in every way patronized geishas. However, brothels and other places of entertainment were strictly forbidden to open outside of the "gay quarter". Violation of this prohibition was supposed to severe punishment. In addition, there are strict rules Yoshivary visit: customers (or, as they politely called, guests) were forbidden to stay in the brothel more than a day; courtesan had to wear only kimono Kimono - Traditional Japanese clothing  Kimono - Traditional Japanese clothing
   with the simple patterns; any suspicious or unfamiliar visitors Yoshivary inmates were required to report to the governor of the city.

When Japan finally end the centuries-old internecine wars and the long-awaited peace, a lot of samurai were not out of work - for their services no longer needed. It is believed that many daughters of these once noble and wealthy families were forced to become courtesans in order not to starve to death Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin  Psychology and physiology of hunger - the two sides of the same coin
 So entertainment districts like Yoshivary Shimabara and often were the centers of cultural life, where art flourished. The world also contributed to the growth of welfare and the formation layer of wealthy citizens (chonin), which in turn led to the development of arts and crafts. The entertainment quarter reigned carefree atmosphere here is not acted laws and restrictions of the outside world. In fact, these neighborhoods have been something like amusement parks for adults who worked around the clock, and the inmates who care not only about the pleasures of the flesh, but also the cultural development and mind of its guests.

As Japanese society, in a society of geisha there is a hierarchy in which clearly defined the position of courtesans .  For decades, "professional standards" changed several times, and not always for the better .  In the middle of the XVIII century the situation has deteriorated so much that in Kyoto and Osaka, a new profession is associated with an entertainment of guests without having to provide sexual services .  The first geisha (or geiko) were male and the first female geisha (which appeared very soon) entertained guests only dancing (odoriko) or playing the shamisene .  Women Geisha quickly became popular enough that it moved to the traditional majority of customers of prostitutes .  In Yoshivare even it was decided to make kenban - a set of rules and a special card index, which records all the geishas and representatives of the oldest profession in order to control their actions and forcing them to pay taxes .  Kenbai described in detail all the items of clothing each class of inmates Yoshivary, determined demeanor, and even allowed traffic .  This innovation proved to be so successful that it quickly became standard in all quarters of Japan's entertainment .

These strict rules allow geishas to develop their artistic talents - because it is the ability to sing, dance and play musical instruments attracts the guests. Though a Geisha dressed courtesans much more modest, they were considered trendsetter. However, many aspects of their daily lives were far from glamorous. Relatives often sold adolescent girls geisha against their will (this practice persisted until the middle of the twentieth century). Many geisha were rite mizu-age, when their virginity is auctioned and the girl was forced to spend the night with the highest bidder. Similar practices were abolished after World War II and became a geisha profession is steadily losing popularity. Today, the services of the geisha is most often used by representatives of high society, veterans, most of which are interested in a woman of mature age or even their peers, rather than young girls.

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