- Types houseplants
- Nightshade list (SOLYANUM)
- Abutilon Amazon
- Episcia COPPER
- Euphorbia BRILLIANT
- Pelargonium grandiflorum
- Medinilla majestically
- Lantana camara
- Large-Thunberg
- Streptocarpus HYBRID
- Impatiens "Adler (Impatiens)
- Bright red begonia
- Coleus Blum
- Rhododendron INDIAN (AZALEA)
- Caladium bicolor
- Oxalis grandiflora
- Acalypha bristly
- Tillyandsiya blue
- Kohler Bogotá
- Poinsettia BEAUTIFUL
- Japanese camellia
Bright red begonia
Family Begonia
. Homeland - moist subtropical Brazil
. Shrub height of 40-60 cm with elongated, pointed leaves and small bright red flowers
. Fruit - triangular box with lots of small seeds
. Summer blooms
. In winter, kept in a bright room at a temperature of 16-18 ° C
. In spring and summer pritenyayut, protected from direct sunlight
. In the summer watering often, in winter - less
. To give shape to the plant, in the spring of long shoots are cut
. The plant is transplanted into a mixture of leaf and turf ground, humus and sand (2: 0, 5 0, 5 0, 5)
. Summer fed complete mineral or organic fertilizers
. Propagation in February - March, the seeds obtained by artificial pollination, and cuttings
. Small seeds sown without falling asleep, in a mixture of peat and sand (1: 1)
. Seedlings dive twice, then planted one in small pots
. In cuttings taken shoots with 2-3 leaves and perpetuate them in water or the sand, and then a few pieces planted in a pot
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Coleus Blum
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