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 At what age begin to use decorative cosmetics
 At what age can children start to use decorative cosmetics

Just yesterday your baby running around in diapers Pampers - what parents need to know for beginners  Pampers - what parents need to know for beginners
   and I did not think about cosmetics. Naturally, with age children are paying more attention to what they do adults, if your daughter does not take his eyes off you, while you apply makeup, it makes sense to hide away from prying beauticians baby. Children often copy the demeanor and actions of adults, take care to cosmetics out of the reach of children. Kids often try to taste everything that falls into their hands, and my mother's makeup is no exception.


At nine or ten years, and sometimes earlier, the girl, watching her mother, also want to have their own makeup, and this time they will not eat it, and to do with not the same as the mother.

Young girls often try to copy images of popular pop divas, Britney Spears, Paris Hilton and others. Often we meet on the street teenage girls in tight clothes and makeup so thick that underneath totally guessed gentle baby face. You hardly would you want your daughter to look that way, so many mothers about the idea of ​​children's make-up without much enthusiasm and very often simply forbid girls to be painted. A strict ban you hardly will achieve something, is quite able to make up a girl in a school or a girlfriend at home, and her counselor and role model you will not, and the picture of Paris Hilton.

Correct conversation

Based on the age of your daughter, try to explain to her why you need a makeover, what tools to use, what you should avoid and what you can do without. Show her an example worthy of emulation, while also giving the child an opportunity to experiment. Makeup dark and saturated colors in their teens should not use makeup.

In the sixth-seventh grade, many girls start to be painted, it is not surprising that your daughter will be all the greater and greater interest in cosmetics and make-up. There is nothing wrong to allow the girl to use makeup in moderation. That mother should show and tell the girl how to properly apply makeup while controlling the quantity and quality of cosmetics, which is used by your child. Lip gloss, a little eye shadow and eyeliner - it is permissible for a set of adolescent girls. If you explain to the girl that a lot of makeup on her face did not make it prettier, but rather the opposite, and show how it can be profitable to emphasize the dignity of the young skin with a light make-up, your child will understand the difference and will follow your advice.

The selection and purchase of children's cosmetics

If you decide to buy something from cosmetics, take his daughter with him to campaign for shopping. In beauty shops very much testers, the girl will be interesting to try something new, to determine what it is, and that - no. Of course, certain limitations in the children's make-up is, girls of eleven or twelve years is enough transparent lip gloss Lip Gloss: Smile Cover  Lip Gloss: Smile Cover
 , A light perfume and blush pale natural shade. Tell her daughter that something else you can hardly buy her, but let her choose the brand of cosmetics. Girls often choose cosmetics of the brand, which is used by their mothers, so the beauty shop you will only need to specify the direction, and help her to orient in a huge variety of brands and cosmetics.

Glossy magazines - it's not always a bad thing. Browse them along with her daughter, her pay attention to models with dim and natural makeup. It is important to explain to the child that in order to be beautiful, it is not necessary to put on the face of cosmetics kilogram. A girl needs to understand that the function of makeup at her age is not to disguise flaws and to emphasize the dignity of the young delicate skin. With age, priorities change, and possibly into adulthood too pale and natural make-up is no longer look so advantageous. For example, dark circles under the eyes are talking about fatigue and your unwillingness to work, though it may be, in fact, you feel great.

Makeup Secrets

Tell your daughter about the rules and Makeup Secrets Makeup Secrets - professionals advise  Makeup Secrets - professionals advise
 In the future your lessons really help her, and the girl will understand that the appearance of this add personality and inner world. Importance nice and neat makeup is inextricably linked with the idea of ​​inner content. Remember those days when you wake up with a bad mood. A little bit of lipstick and blush markedly improves not only your appearance, but also the general condition.

Unfortunately today, the media, friends, and sometimes even parents themselves are trying to impose on the child thought that this cosmetics can turn an ordinary girl into a real beauty. Should we allow a child to use decorative cosmetics at a fairly young age? Is it safe?

Some experts believe that cosmetics for children shall not entirely correct meaning, both for the girls and for the people around her. Children believe that it gives them a feeling of cosmetics physical beauty and confidence. This approach gives children a reason to believe that this beauty will help them to achieve something in life, not knowledge, professionalism and personal characteristics. Girls who are struggling to look older than they really are, give rise to others to treat them inappropriately for their age.

Some experts believe that the age has absolutely nothing to do with .  The main thing is to convey to the child the right idea, to explain what is good and what is bad form .  Advertising company of cosmetics, combined with the media have an impact not only on the girls - teenagers, but also adult women, suggesting to them the idea of ​​their own imperfections and inconsistencies canons of beauty .  Children are beautiful for its natural beauty of the child, but the cosmetics companies are trying hard to convince us all that we are not beautiful .  In any case, your daughter will sooner or later begin to use decorative cosmetics .  Naturally, the young girl did not want to keep up with their friends, many of them with makeup on "you" .  The main thing is to control the situation, communicate with your child, discuss trends and fashion trends, but use the option of age-appropriate girls .  Thus, holding daughter at a party, you will see that it looks trendy, but of course, not as tasteless a painted doll .

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