• Guide to facilities for the care of a person for working women
  • Beauty treatments
  • Additional procedures


Cosmetic procedures for the face

This classic-proven treatments that offer deep cleansing for almost everyone. It is not expensive and takes a long time, this is exactly why you need to start if you have never used such services.

  • Basic cleaning - suitable for young skin and all skin types. This cleansing, exfoliating and moisturizing. Warm steam cleans the black and white points, followed by gentle exfoliation to remove dirt. Quick facial massage increases blood circulation. The result is a clean and radiant skin.
  • Normal (or traditional) facials - for normal or combination skin without any problems, such as acne or wrinkles. It is similar to the basic cleaning, but is complemented by longer and more intense massage.
  • Mini facial treatment - for those who have little time or those who prefer a faster procedure. This half-hour procedure provides a cleansing, exfoliation, toning and skin care (using a mask), as well as quick acupressure.
  • Moisturizing facial treatments - are suitable for anyone with dry skin. Unlike traditional facial treatments, except for the use of funds for a deep hydration of the skin.

 Guide to facilities for the care of a person for working women - Cosmetic procedures

Adolescents and adults with acne

If you are a teenager or an adult, who is struggling with acne, special facial treatments can further help you in this fight.

  • Procedures for acne prone skin - suitable for people with moderate to severe acne. The specialist will clean your skin and gently exfoliate it with funds or enzyme containing glycolic acid. After using the warm steam to open the pores, you remove the black and white dots on the skin. Then you will impose anti-bacterial mask to tone your skin and pull the pores. This procedure may be carried out every two or three weeks until until after acne Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements  Rash: Classification - primary and secondary elements

At home you can also use an effective means of, for example, specific compounds that help fight acne.

  • Enzyme Peeling - for people with scars from acne or uneven skin tone. During this half-hour procedure, you will cause the skin gel. With this gel you remove dead skin cells and scars. Some types of peeling used with vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   With alpha gidrokisloty to stimulate the production of collagen and elastin.
  • Galvanic facial treatments - are intended for people with severe acne, oily skin and problems with the skin color that absorbs bad cosmetics. To you it will be used galvanic current, delivering positive and negative ions into your skin, helping to cosmetic products to better penetrate into it.

 Guide to facilities for the care of a person for working women - Cosmetic procedures

Anti-aging treatments

These treatments are designed not only for the mature skin, but also for people under the age of just thirty years, to prevent the signs of premature aging Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance  Internal and external aging: it is necessary to think in advance
 . These procedures are intended to soften wrinkles and age-related wrinkles and stimulate collagen production. Since people with different skin types are worried about signs of aging, these procedures are not the same for all. Discuss the concerns of your skin type with a specialist, and other issues you problems such as acne during menopause, oily skin, skin sensitivity to cosmetics and more.

  • Treatments with natural extracts - are designed for sensitive skin to other means. They improve skin texture, tightens pores and make the skin smooth. Funds made on the basis of fruits and flowers (such as rose, lavender and jasmine) and still relax and soothe. Some of them even made from fresh fruit pulp, selecting specifically for your skin type. For oily skin orange suit means a banana suit for dry skin.
  • Biolifting - suitable for anyone with dark spots, blotchy or mature skin over the age of forty years. Purifying massage is used to stretch the skin, then apply a mask for toning sagging skin.
  • Multivitamin facials - are good for those who are concerned about lines and wrinkles. Vitamin C is used for lighting and smoothing the skin, vitamin E - for the treatment and vitamin A - for reducing wrinkles, various oils are also applied. This procedure is very refreshing and caring for mature skin.
Read more Additional procedures

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