• Guide to facilities for the care of a person for working women
  • Beauty treatments
  • Additional procedures

 Additional facials

Additional facials

  • To relax - if you are under stress, processed, or just want to relax, think about aromatherapy facial, which is designed more for relaxation than for deep cleansing. Typically, this includes a gentle massage and mask using natural oils, selected individually for your problems, for example, insomnia, stress, depression Depression  Depression
   or stress.
  • For men - many salons have begun to offer special treatments for men. Compared with the procedures for women, treatments for men take less time and take into account the oily skin of men and larger pores. This is complemented by a deep massage to relax the muscles and relieve tension.
  • For the bride - as the procedures may cause redness and irritation of the skin, the bride should not go directly to the procedure before the wedding. Many salons offer additional services for brides such as treatments with paraffin to make the kind of radiant skin. During this procedure, you will cause the reducing cream on the skin, and then paraffin mask, which is applied through the layers of gauze to fix the cream and help it to better absorb into the skin.
  • For working outdoors and enthusiasts - people who spend a lot of time in the air, are often subject to environmental hazards, and have to resort to the procedures with antioxidants and fighting pollution for the skin. These products contain vitamin Vitamins for everyone  Vitamins for everyone
   A, beta-carotene and vitamin E, which fight free radicals, eliminate pollution, clean the skin and protect it from damage.

 Guide to facilities for the care of a person for working women - Additional procedures

Expensive treatments

  • Elite procedure - is the perfect gift for a birthday, Mother's Day or any other holiday. These procedures last longer than normal and may include neck or back massage, hot stones and more than one expert. They may also consist of elements of other types of facial and include special facilities for aromatherapy, rejuvenation, and others. Since it is expensive, these procedures refresh not only the skin, but also the mind.
  • Oxygen treatments - are usually used by people known to smooth the appearance of imperfections prior to the public and on TV. Use special device delivers a stream of highly compressed oxygen to the skin, allowing the moisturizing and nourishing agents to better penetrate the skin. The result of this process - the immediate renewal of the skin, although many are skeptical about this. Experts say that this is just a mild inflammation of the skin caused by exposure to cold oxygen directed to the skin.

The next time you're under stress because of his work and life problems, or deal with acne, wrinkles and dull skin, think about how to restore your skin and give her good food, visit the beauty salon. In addition, your skin will get everything you need, you're a long time to provide themselves with a good complexion and get rid of stress.

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