• Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten?
  • Kinds

 types of hormonal imbalance women

Types of hormonal imbalance women

Hormonal disorders in women are mainly related to the reproductive system. Increase or decrease the secretion of sex hormones not only affect a woman's ability to have children, they are somehow able to affect the whole organism.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten? - Kinds

How does the female hormonal system

Hormonal system of women - a multi-stage system, the "team" work which the cerebral cortex. In the subcortical structures is the region responsible for the operation of the entire endocrine system, including the secretion of sex hormones, called the hypothalamus. The hypothalamus "gives orders" main endocrine glands - the pituitary gland, which is also located in the brain. There is a transfer command by using its own secretion of hypothalamic hormones that stimulate or, conversely, blocking the secretion of pituitary hormones.

Pituitary identifies three main hormones that affect the reproductive system of women: follicle-stimulating hormone (FSH - it stimulates the maturation of the egg cells in the ovaries and the production of female sex hormones - estrogens), luteinizing hormone (LH - under its influence ovulation - release of an egg from the ovary and begins to produce the female sex hormone progesterone) and prolactin - it stimulates the secretion of breast milk in the mammary glands.

Finally, a woman's ovaries to produce female sex hormones estrogen (they produce more in the first half of the menstrual cycle) and progesterone (it is produced in the second half of the menstrual cycle, the corpus luteum, formed on the site of the ruptured follicle from which came the egg).

All stages of the hormonal system of women are interrelated: if a lot of estrogen produced, the decrease in the secretion of follicle begins hormone, if a lot of progesterone decreases the secretion of luteinizing hormone, and vice versa, with inadequate secretion of female sexual hormones secretion of pituitary hormones increases. The same relationship between the pituitary gland and the hypothalamus.

Thus, a violation of hormonal women - this is a very complex disorder that can be treated only after a thorough examination and determine the cause of the disease. The most common hormonal disorders Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease  Hormonal disorders: causes and the most frequent disease
   women are amenorrhea Amenorrhea - if you do not come monthly  Amenorrhea - if you do not come monthly
 , Premenstrual syndrome and menopause.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten? - Kinds


Amenorrhea - absence of menstruation is a woman of reproductive age (16-45 years) for at least six months. Amenorrhea is primary and secondary.

Primary amenorrhea develops from the very beginning of the menstrual cycle The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?  The menstrual cycle - that occurs in different phases?
 That is, a condition in which menstruation was never in life. Causes of primary amenorrhea - the lack of sex hormones produced by the ovaries. Typically, this condition is accompanied by violation of puberty and infertility.

Such a violation of hormonal most often caused by underdevelopment of the ovaries related to hereditary factors, trauma or tumor of the hypothalamus or pituitary. Affect the secretion of sex hormones and other hormones, such as adrenal hormones (total hypoplasia, adrenal gland tumor).

The woman with primary amenorrhea egg in the ovaries do not mature, ovulation does not occur, all external and internal sex organs are underdeveloped, so it is inherently infertile.

Secondary amenorrhea occurs against the backdrop of regular or irregular menstruation. Such hormonal failure can occur under the influence of severe physical and mental exertion, stress, or a sharp increase in body weight loss, severe infections, operations, cancer, as well as the presence of any disease of the uterus, ovaries or adrenal glands.

Treatment of primary amenorrhea is conducted by hormones in such a way today to restore reproductive function in primary amenorrhea is quite real. The treatment of secondary amenorrhea depends on what caused its appearance. When the cause of the menstrual cycle is usually restored.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten? - Kinds

Premenstrual syndrome

The reason for premenstrual syndrome is excessive production of female sex hormones estrogen during the last days before menstruation, whereas in the natural course of the menstrual cycle should decrease the number and amount of progesterone, on the contrary, increase. This makes women the appearance of headaches, swelling, mood swings, irritability, weakness, tearfulness and aggression.

In order to reduce the symptoms of premenstrual syndrome, the woman examined and, if necessary, appoint her to correcting hormone therapy.

 Hormonal disorders in women - than they threaten? - Kinds


Menopause - a decrease in the secretion of sex hormones after the age of 45 years. Gradually the woman profusely and reduced duration of menstrual bleeding, they occur more rarely and usually to 50 years menopause. Half of the decline in women is hormonal causes a number of unpleasant effects, called climacteric syndrome. This is evident mood swings, rush of blood to the head, neck and upper torso, paroxysmal pulsating headache, unstable blood pressure, heart attacks.

Most often, menopause occurs in mild form. In this case, it helps clear adherence of the day, the alternation of physical activity with rest, good nutrition, herbal sedatives. If the menopause runs hard, then appointed hormonal correction.

Hormonal disorders in women - a violation of the entire body.

Galina Romanenko

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