bring order to the wardrobe
 While men are often surprised by the lack of organization of women, in fact, women are far more men appreciate order in all spheres of life - that's just the stress and busy schedule often does not leave time for the guidance of such an order. As a result, almost all women, sooner or later face the perennial problem of "nothing to wear" - for lack of order in their own dressing room does not allow to quickly pick up the band in the absence of time in the morning. The only way out - once and for all to restore order in their own closet, inventing a system for organizing clothes.

Shelves, hangers, boxes and baskets to store help turn the wardrobe with clothes from the chaotic piles of things in space is conveniently organized, where every thing is in place.

  • Perfectly organized space in the dressing room should always be well-lit. Good lighting - a guarantee that each item of clothing will always be in place, and find the right clothes or accessories will be much easier.
  • In the wardrobe should always be plenty of space for storing clothes on hangers to each item retained the original shape.
  • Additional side shelf is also important as a set of hangers - they are best suited for storage of small things.
  • If the cabinet is no more boxes, you can set separate baskets for storage.
  • Under a number of clothes hangers can place a shelf for shoes.
  • Even the wardrobe door can be used for the placement of individual items - just install them little baskets or hangers for clothes storage to save space.

Not so long ago in the United States conducted a study showed some interesting results: In addition to losing weight and quitting smoking, the desire to restore order in their own lives and life has become one of the most popular New Year's wishes. That is why today the idea of ​​organizing the wardrobe or dressing is so popular - instead of storing things in the closet as horrible, limited to a minimum of hangers and shelves, women can turn your closet into a place where all things will be located in a convenient and correct order.

 bring order to the wardrobe
 The system of organization of space in the closet allows to optimize space - even if it seems that in the closet or dressing does not have enough space for the essentials, in fact, through the competent extra drawers and hangers (not to mention the maintenance of the minimum order) can be placed cabinet almost twice.

The organization of space in the closet or dressing involves two separate approaches: the acquisition of finished furniture or the optimization of space in already established wardrobe or dressing pre-allocated space. Due to the diversity in today's market, you can not just pick up the furniture that will perfectly fit your needs, but also to develop their own design wardrobe, which will be made by the appropriate furniture. Such an approach is relevant not only for the bedroom, but also to any other room in the house, allowing you to solve the problem with the disorder and lack of storage space in the kitchen, nursery, office.

One of the most essential pieces of furniture in the house and at the same time one of the most cluttered - it is usually a wardrobe. Wardrobe - a hiding place for the stuff that many people prefer to quickly throw off all unnecessary things in the closet to quickly bring visible cleanliness in the house. That's why in most cases the contents of the wardrobe is a real chaos, to understand that it is practically impossible. It therefore requires a system of organizing space in a closet or wardrobe - it allows you to almost double the free storage space for clothes by competent its location.

 How to clean up the mess in your own wardrobe?

How to increase the space in the closet?

A recent study showed that in the US, people spend an average of about four weeks a year to find things in your own closet. Meanwhile, most of that time can be saved, once hovering in the cabinet order and regularly maintaining it. Four basic types of organization of space in the closet - it's shelves, drawers / baskets, long and short hangers.

  • Hangers - retain the original shape of the garment.
  • Baskets / boxes - suitable for storage of accessories and eliminate the need to search the entire cabinet in search of a handbag.
  • Hooks - best suited for storage of belts, which in most cases simply lying on the floor of the cabinet.
  • Boxes - suitable for storing small accessories. To facilitate searches on each box is better to write its contents.
  • Shoe racks - storage for favorite shoes.
  • Small hangers on the doors of the cabinet - can be used for storage of scarves or handbags Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe  Bags - a necessary thing in every woman's wardrobe
  • Transparent boxes - storage underwear.

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