• Minimalism in clothes - the greatness laconic fashion
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 minimalism in clothing tips

Tips for creating a minimalist wardrobe

Minimalism - is not less clothing on the body, but only the style in which the image should not be diluted with bright prints. accessories, fabrics of different textures and different accessories. If there is one element of the wardrobe, you have to move away from him and pick up the rest of the things that will perfectly represent your company.

 Minimalism in clothes - the greatness laconic fashion - Tips

  • Inspection wardrobe

Review your wardrobe and decide that all you need for it? Everything you wear every day, depending on the time of year? Standard advice in such cases is as follows: throw everything you have not worn in over a year. The same recommendations for minimalists period can be cut back to three to six months.

 minimalist clothing
  • The rationale

Never buy clothes that can be worn with only one thing in your wardrobe. Ideally, every thing that hangs in your closet should be combined with almost any thing that weighs the same.

  • Know your colors

It's hard to say how many people wear certain colors just because they are used to them, or because these colors are in vogue. Test "your colors" can be carried out by a specialist in style (corresponding online tests may not be reliable, but at least they are funny). Colors that match your type of appearance, make your image more fresh, expressive and stylish, and you do not need a whole lot of things to look good. In addition, it will allow you to spend less time shopping - you do not have to try on clothes in different colors as you can limit the choice of "their" colors.

 minimalism in clothing tips
  • Use Accessories

A couple of accessories can transform even the most minimalist wardrobe. For example, if you have six tops, scarf three and two necklaces, which are suitable for all topam, your wardrobe is much more diverse than it seems when you think: "six tops." Unconditional advantage of the accessories of their relatively low cost, so that a variety of clothes in a minimalist style affordable for almost every one of us.

Eugene Zhirkina

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