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 How to cook mushroom soup

How to cook mushroom soup: simple secrets

How to cook mushroom soup, so it turned out delicious? It argued that any soup preparing easy - just put all the ingredients in a saucepan, cover with water and bring to a boil. However, the taste quality of the dishes poor. But if you follow all the rules, mushroom soup will appetizing and tasty, with a delightful fragrance.

 Mushroom soup: Forest Fairy Tale - How to prepare

General rules for cooking soups

The famous chef William Pohlebkin claimed that the house, where there are cooked soups - a dysfunctional home. That soup symbolizes the warmth of the hearth. But in order to get a tasty soup, you must follow a few rules.

It is not necessary to cook once a large number of soup - it is recommended to use a pan to a maximum of ten liters. That is why homemade soups that are prepared generally in small quantities, are obtained tastier than in catering.

The best dishes for cooking - thick-enameled pots or clay pots. The latter are used only for cooking soup in the oven, and a soup always get tastier than traditional naplitnom preparation. If the soup is cooked in the oven, for him there is no need to constantly monitor. If you cook the soup on the stove, then leave the dish without attention not recommended: should always make sure that the dish is not boiled too much, remove the foam, to control the taste.

Not all the time paying tribute to the preparation of food for cooking soup. Meanwhile, it should not be less accurate than when preparing main meals. All products must be well washed, cleaned and dried. It's about drying foods is often overlooked novice cooks: it would seem, why wipe vegetables and mushrooms, if they are still in a moment will be in a liquid? However, this operation is optional and significantly affect flavor.

Keep in mind the cooking each product and to lay the ingredients in the soup, so that none of them turned out to be undercooked or overcooked. Contrary to popular belief, the soup should not add salt at the beginning of cooking, and closer to the end. And the spices made the soup for a few minutes until cooked, not before and not later. The only way they can reach their full flavor.

Before serving the soup should definitely infuse for at least five minutes. Insist soup can in the pan, but it is best to use for this purpose porcelain tureen with lid. Already from the tureen dish poured on plates.

 Mushroom soup: Forest Fairy Tale - How to prepare

Tasty mushroom soup with milk

 How to cook mushroom soup
 The combination of mushrooms and milk, very suddenly, but very tasty. To milk does not curdle in boiling soup, it should be hot. A small supplement to soup of flour also prevents clotting of milk and gives the dish a velvety texture.

To prepare the soup should take two liters of water, two handfuls of fresh or a handful of dried mushrooms (best to use white), one carrot, one onion, three to four tubers of potatoes, half a liter of milk, a little flour, salt, pepper and herbs. Washed mushrooms should be boiled until tender and then cut into pieces. In the mushroom broth put finely diced potatoes. Onions and carrots are chopped and put out a little oil, add a little flour to the vegetables.

Ten minutes before the end of cooking, add the steamed vegetables to the soup and let simmer on low heat. Then add salt and pepper soup, add the hot milk and bring to a boil again. Insist the soup for a few minutes and serve.

Read more Boletus

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