Garter Bride
 The tradition of throwing the garter of the bride in the crowd is one of the oldest wedding traditions. In today's celebrations, it is not as common as the throwing of the bride's bouquet, but if married young couple, the garter increasingly appears in the list of other fun items. Those who are not familiar with the history of this custom may seem an innovation of recent years - on the Russian and other Slavic weddings becoming more tangible influence of the West. But it is not so, because the bride's garter became fully operational at the wedding accessory back in the fourteenth century.

 Garter of the bride - a spicy accessory

Homeland and garter bride story

Garter of the bride - is an alternative to male flowers, which have sent a young wife in the crowd of unmarried girlfriends. Garter catches groom his bachelor friends and lucky to catch her, married the next. Not always, this tradition was so unique, that there are now more likely transformation of the primordial custom, whose homeland - England.

British bride were the first with which tighten the accessory, but not immediately, he went into the crowd of guests in the Middle Ages such a trick would be considered outrageous audacity. However, the atmosphere of those days weddings was far from stiffness and restraint.

 Garter Bride
  Garter Bride

In the fourteenth century in Europe, especially in England, it has been extended tradition literally rasterzyvat outfit the bride. According to legend, a piece of wedding dress should definitely bring happiness to its possessor. This barbaric practice over time has been changed to a more peaceful, which is taking place today. In different countries, the tradition of throwing the garter from leg of bride looked different.

In the North of England garter shot one male guests who kidnapped the wife of newly made directly at the altar at the end of the wedding ceremony Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?  Wedding - it is worth it to hurry up?
   and had to remove her garter. But in the rush it looked like this: he was nervous, and she was eventually pretty disheveled and wrinkled. For this reason, after some time to remove the garter with his feet he was entrusted to the young husband, and not at the altar, and at the end of the holiday. Around this form of the custom and reached the present time. But there were other variations.

 Garter Bride
  Garter Bride

For example, in the nineteenth century it was circulated competitive racing male guests to the bride's house. Whoever Reaches first, as a kind of prize he was able to steal the bride's garter with his feet and left her to me. The more I perpetuate this custom came about, and the more his interpretations, the easier it becomes a man to take this symbolic thing. Over time, the bride's garter becoming more attuned to this funny tradition.

 Garter of the bride - a spicy accessory

Modern Transformation of custom

A new round of popularity removing the garter and throwing it into the crowd of idle guests acquired at the end of the twentieth century. But now it is no more than another kind of wedding entertainment competitions for guests. In the Middle Ages at the gesture was an expression of the semantic load: firstly, the item is the bride dress garter promised happiness, and secondly, it was a symbol of family prosperity, the future health of offspring, and all that is connected with the theme of a home and the marriage bond. In modern weddings often go without garters: the bride throws her bouquet to unmarried girlfriends, and the groom can throw this flower bouquet, boutonniere, or something else.

 Garter Bride
  Garter Bride

For the young, who want to diversify their wedding guests and have some fun, garter bride becomes a wonderful way to liven up the audience sat up. It is usually thrown after the bride threw the bouquet already (although earlier it was the other way around). It can also happen in different ways. Quivering groom removes the garter with his betrothed his hands, but will be closer to the tradition, if he does it teeth. For the convenience of the bride should sit on a chair and lifted her skirt a little dress that he was comfortable.

Garter is located above the knee, at mid-thigh or just above. The most interesting - garters may be two, each of them has its purpose. The first is called "happy" - and pulls her fiance, then to throw a friend, she is to bring happiness in marriage. Second garter, coyly referred to as "honey", is on the foot until the wedding night, and her fiance lift in a different environment and without witnesses. Then he leaves the garter herself, she becomes his talisman and key to a happy marriage.

 Garter Bride
  Garter Bride

 Garter of the bride - a spicy accessory

How does the bride's garter

Ideally, during a wedding garter should not be noticeable, but since then its all see, it is desirable to fit together, in harmony with shoes and other items even in color. Classical wedding garter few centuries ago was the only blue - the color of purity and innocence. Today this accessory is most often white or beige, but daring brides garter can be red, and pink.

Some brides prefer the garter very cool design, to match the dress, without any decorations, while others strive to make it not just an accessory, and choose the volume suspenders, richly embroidered with beads, combining satin and lace Lace in the modern wardrobe  Lace in the modern wardrobe
 . Most shocking of the bride wear them ostentatiously paraded, choosing short wedding dresses Short wedding dresses - a new trend in the world of wedding fashion  Short wedding dresses - a new trend in the world of wedding fashion
   or model Hi Lo.

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