pink fashion
 For several seasons pink light did not come on the radar of fashion and was associated only with puppet style of Paris Hilton. Now, however, the color pink rapidly back into fashion.

Some information about the pink

Bright shades of pink have a stimulating effect, increase blood pressure, increase heart rate and breathing easier. Women who work hard and feel overloaded, the love of the color pink Pink: Symphony of tenderness  Pink: Symphony of tenderness
   It can mean a subconscious desire to return to the carefree childhood.

Scientists believe that the pink color helps reduce aggression and friendliness, so in some countries, it is widely used in the design of the prison cells. According to some studies, male weightlifters show worse than usual results in indoor facilities with pink walls. In women's weightlifting, pink color in the interior, on the contrary, it improves the results. Desserts seem to us delicious, if they are sold in packs of pink or pink dishes served on (this only applies to sweet food).


Delicate pink shades included in the palette makeup Cosmetics - whether to use it on all cylinders  Cosmetics - whether to use it on all cylinders
   with the revival of fashion on the effect of "not made." Pink lipstick, blush, eye shadow is very relevant today. In addition, many manufacturers are starting to produce cosmetics nail polish a variety of shades of pink - from gentle, natural colors to bright, close to the color fuchsia Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor  Fuchsia clothing - fashion neon splendor

 pink fashion


Fashion accessories on pink, apparently hold for more than one season. Almost all the major fashion house released shoes, purses, bracelets, necklaces, hair clips pink. Special chic are pink shoes - very few accessories that can make the same lightness, femininity and ease into the image as the elegant pink shoes. However, be careful with the color combinations. If you use a pink color makeup and manicure, accessories should be gentle, not bright pink shades, otherwise the image may be too flashy.


Pink reigns in the spring and summer fashion. This year, designers prefer light flying fabric classic cut and pretty - bright, saturated shades of pink. It is very relevant in this season pink swimsuits and sarongs. In short, you can hardly go wrong if you fill up your wardrobe with a variety of garments pink. Especially popular this year pink skirts and dresses. They can be combined with clothes of various colors, but it is recommended to avoid the combination of black and bright pink - it causes a persistent association with the emo style, and generally creates a very sharp contrast, unwanted clothes.

 pink fashion

Neon pink

One of the most important and daring trends this season - neon pink. Of course, not every woman to dare to try on the things of this color, but lovers of experiments should pay attention to it. Neon Pink is especially good as a number of items with neutral colors - for example, thin stripes on the skirt with a white-gray pattern or neon pink shoes with a suit soothing colors. There are also long skirts and dresses neon pink - those who decide to put them on and find, with which to combine them, just do not go unnoticed.

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Article Tags:
  • color and wardrobe
  • Fashion for all ages