The power of essential oils for relaxation
 Essential oils are very beneficial to health. They help to improve health, relieve stress, improve mood and even fight off more serious illnesses. However, despite the fact that the essential oils are of natural origin, they require care in use.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Healthy sleep

Not all and not always easy to sleep, sleep and easy to get up in the morning feeling refreshed. It can be distracting noise from the street, from a neighbor's apartment, can form the habit of going to bed late, and all that affects the quality of sleep and health.

To improve your sleep on the pillow drip a few drops of oil of tropical basil, to help sleep. But the most common remedy for insomnia - lavender. Lavender oil to spray in the air in a room or pillow sprinkle them in a small amount. Before going to bed you can drink a glass of warm water to which a teaspoon of orange divorced water.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Calm in the office

Working day in the office often results in this stress, tension builds up, not enough oxygen, lifestyle becomes sedentary. To unload can help oil larch.

Take three drops of essential oil of larch, rub their massage movements just above the waist. Two or three times a day is enough to make you feel better. Essential oil of tropical basil need to breathe through your mouth. Mix five drops of ylang ylang oil and six drops of Larch. This mixture should be sprayed into the air.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Relaxation at home

When you return home from work, it is necessary to help the body to relax, which can be done with the help of essential oils that can relieve tension and calm the nerves. Give yourself a few minutes wait before diving into the household chores.

Prepare a mixture of oil, two drops of oil seeds, lavender oil, a drop of lemon oil, a tablespoon of sea salt. These components need to be dissolved in a basin of warm water, which is about ten to fifteen minutes will be a relaxing footbath.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Eliminate irritability

Everyone has bad days when everything goes wrong, irritating, provoking tears, but in these times, you can deal with their condition. Mix three drops of oil of sage Sage - useful properties do not count  Sage - useful properties do not count
   and three drops of jojoba oil and apply the mixture on the abdomen and lower back, rubbing massage movements. The air spray twelve drops of lavender mixed with seven drops Pettigrew.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Eliminate mental stress

If you work every day for eight hours or more, to stay at work, chances are you are experiencing fatigue, not only physical but also mental. If you do not make the mental relaxation, eventually fatigue will accumulate negatively reflected on the overall health and professional activities.

Here again, the essential oil can help larch, which can be rubbed on the three drops in the kidney area. This can be done in the morning and in the afternoon, and should give energy. Another recipe: two drops of sage oil and a drop of lemon mixed with a teaspoon of Hypericum oily macerate and rub the abdomen massaged.

 The power of essential oils for relaxation: peace and comfort

Raise your self-confidence

There are times when urgently needed to raise their self-confidence How to gain confidence in themselves?  How to gain confidence in themselves?
 . This is necessary, for example before exams, work interview Ten ways to fill a job interview  Ten ways to fill a job interview
 , Presentations and business meetings in many other situations.

To increase self-confidence, prepare a mixture. Take 5 ml bottle, add to fifteen drops of essential oil Pettigrew, seven drops of ylang-ylang oil, three drops of oil of wintergreen, and the remainder of the vial fill jojoba oil. Every time you feel the need to tone, confidence, inhale the fragrance of this mixture. The bottle is very convenient to take with you everywhere.

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