there for breakfast
 The well-known adage recommends to eat breakfast, because with the help of nutrition person receives a supply of energy for the whole day. The main objectives of the breakfast - good, taste, speed and positive emotions. In order for breakfast was always fresh, while its preparation took a minimum of time, you need to know a few secrets, diet, balance of vitamins, fats, proteins, carbohydrates and regularity of the morning meal.

 What to eat for breakfast: School skillful masters

Secrets of a healthy breakfast

 there for breakfast
 Morning - the most difficult time for meals, many people ignore breakfast, limited to a cup of coffee or tea. However, according to the laws of nutrition morning meal should contain nearly half of the daily calories. It was established that one or two glasses of pure water fasting helps cleanse the body of mucus night, prepare it for breakfast. Physical charging and douches help to wake up all the internal organs, cheer up and get to the first meal of the day.

It is proved that a person takes food consciously, the hormone leptin, which regulates energy metabolism, according to the brain on the tasks that together with a meal prepared energozaryad. When food is taken on the fly, leptin, a hormone saturation is not secreted, is blocked and is not lost in humans hunger, so develop obesity, diabetes, many cardiovascular diseases. To breakfast benefited, not harm, it is necessary to select a specific time, slowly, thoughtfully, happy to spend a morning meal, get a charge of vivacity.

Another secret to a healthy breakfast can be called a balanced range of products that can give the saturation before lunch. It is best to give up the morning of heavy fatty foods, opting for cereal products - bread, porridges; protein - cheese, cottage cheese, eggs; Fruits and Vegetables. If the choice is stopped in the morning for coffee, it is better if it is cooked to Turku from freshly ground beans. Black tea is useful to replace large-green or white. A cup of fresh cocoa milk better than other drinks energy and vitamins for the day.

 What to eat for breakfast: School skillful masters

Options menu for a light breakfast

  • A cup of coffee, bread with honey The benefits of honey: tasty recovery  The benefits of honey: tasty recovery
   or jam, a plate of porridge.
  • Boiled egg, 20 g butter, 200 g of sea fish, steamed, a cup of green tea.
  • Milk rice porridge without sugar, cottage cheese, a cup of cocoa.
  • 200 g of boiled beef, yogurt, cheese, vegetables and green tea with honey.
  • Coffee with milk, toast with jam, stewed vegetables.
  • Fruit breakfast: grapefruit, oranges, apples, grapes (to choose) Do not eat canned fruits and bananas.

 What to eat for breakfast: School skillful masters

Menu options for real men

  • Baked fish with mushrooms, omelet of three eggs, a glass of sweet tea.
  • Chicken or meat chop with mashed potatoes, oatmeal, a cup of coffee.
  • Cottage cheese, bacon, cheese, no bread, coffee or tea with milk.
  • Fried eggs, yogurt, sandwich Sandwiches. Pros and cons  Sandwiches. Pros and cons
   sausage, tea or coffee.
  • Buckwheat porridge, vegetable salad Vegetable salads: the generous gift of nature  Vegetable salads: the generous gift of nature
 , fruit juice.

 What to eat for breakfast: School skillful masters

On a note

No need to spend a lot of time to prepare complicated dishes for breakfast. Suffice it to soak in the evening to the morning cereal porridge, boiled meat or fish, buy pre-nuts, dairy products, bread, eggs, fruits and vegetables. In the preparation of a hearty breakfast you need to spend no more than 10-20 minutes, it will give the rhythm of a new day, help you get a healthy charge for long.

Often skipping breakfast means only one thing: a person eats at night, late dinner does not allow the body to the morning to get rid of the remnants of yesterday's meal. It is enough to rebuild your diet, stop eating after 20 o'clock in the morning quite naturally arises hunger.

A healthy breakfast should contain at least five grams of fiber, calcium portion, which corresponds to a cup of milk, yogurt or one hundred grams of cheese, a little fat and protein. At the same time the consumption of sugar should not be higher than two teaspoons.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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