The popularity of handbags Louis Vuitton has made them one of the most frequently counterfeited products in the world. But how to distinguish counterfeit products from this?
How to choose a real Louis Vuitton bag
If bags decorated with the famous monogram, which are sold in stores and is doubtful about 50-100 euro is clear, then how about the fact that is sold in solid enough shopping malls and boutiques? There, too, there is a risk - and small - to buy a fake, so when choosing a bag by Louis Vuitton must be very careful.
- Firstly, note that the quality of products in general. Louis Vuitton bags are different soft, smooth leather, beautiful seams (no protruding thread and missed stitches!) Quality locks (not plastic, imitating metal, namely, metal). If the bag has metal corners, they are necessarily made from high quality metal.
- Second, consider the bag inside. Inside should be a leather tab, which contains the information about the model. The seams on the lining should be as perfect as on the outside.
- Third, Louis Vuitton bags are always made from one solid piece of material, so that on the one hand the monogram reversed. If the monogram on both sides are looking up in front of you is a fake.
- Fourth, drawing on Louis Vuitton bags are always symmetric (in other words, it is "butt" like when you kleite wallpaper). For example, if the bag, two patch pockets, and on the right edge of the left pocket is only visible part of the monogram (the letter «L»), then the left edge of the monogram letter continues «V». Inconsistencies in the figure indicates a fake.
How to clean the Louis Vuitton bags made of different materials
It is light, almost untreated skin, which are made from a variety of decorative items, as well as pens, many bags Louis Vuitton. Like any untreated skin, it can easily collect dust and dirt. On the new bags of this type of skin is almost white, but gradually, under the influence of oxygen and light, it acquires a honey hue. To slow down this process, the skin should be cleaned by special means. One of the best such tool is Shining Monkey Spray. First, it can make the skin a little darker, but he copes with pollution. Apple Guarde and Kiwi also generate funds that can be effectively cleaned vachettu.
Minor contamination can be removed with wet wipes for children. Use wipes do not contain alcohol - they do not peresushat skin (yes, care for leather bag in many ways resembles skin care
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face and body). The spots, which is impossible to remove the wipes can be removed with the help of Mr. Clean Magic. Although this means very good removes dirt, it can deprive vachettu it contains natural oils and thus dry it. After cleansing, it is recommended to use special moisturizers that also is in the range of Apple Guarde.
The famous Louis Vuitton bags are made with tapering pattern from the treated fabric that can withstand almost anything. Serious pollution on such material is not seen; in most cases it can be cleaned wet baby wipes. They are also good for the skin epi, which are usually made from the handles and bottom and tapering bags.
Vernice - patent leather, which is made of bags Louis Vuitton. Like any patent leather, it is very vulnerable to any coloring things. Do not carry a bag of Vernice new dark jeans, do not put it on paper, to avoid contamination of the red printing. If a patent leather still stuck paint, clean it almost impossible.
Over time, the surface may appear Vernice worn white or black
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. They can be made less noticeable by using Mr. Clean Magic Eraser, but use it very carefully. If you rub the skin too hard, you can remove the lacquer coating, and such damage on the bag will not be able to recover.
Fashion trends
The main feature of the new collection of handbags by Louis Vuitton is the use of textured leather, leather-epi and, of course, monograms - how for the past several years. It has long been known model Damier also appeared in the new season, slightly updated - now these bags are made of waterproof nylon. This material also made the postman bag by Louis Vuitton and travel bags. Waterproof nylon contrast, as well as dominant in this collection dark blue
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used in the decoration of the different models of bags.
Chess figure in the new collection pressed famous monogram design. It is present in a variety of bags - from small clutches to hand suitcases.
Louis Vuitton has lost a lawsuit the company Warner Brothers
In June 2012, Louis Vuitton company lost a lawsuit she filed studio Warner Brothers for the use of fake Louis Vuitton bags in the movie "The Hangover. Part 2, "which was released in 2011. The lawsuit was caused by the scene where Alan Garner, the character Zach Galifianakis arriving at the airport with a bag that looks like a bag of Louis Vuitton. According to the French company, in fact, this bag is made by Diophy, which produces bags with a pattern similar to the famous monogram pattern LV. The Louis Vuitton company reported fears that it will enter into confusion buyers. Indignation representatives of the company also generated a replica of Garner: "Be careful ... it is Louis Vuitton." Instead of "Louis," the actor says, "Lewis." This phrase has become one of the most frequently cited in the film. All this, according to the company, can lead to significant losses, since most people will - thanks to the film - to buy a fake.
The Court did not consider that the company Warner Brothers is subject to any liability. According to the judges, it is unlikely that many viewers will notice that the bag, which is in the frame in less than 30 seconds, is a fake. The use of the film bag Diophy recognized as lawful, since the probability of confuse it with a Louis Vuitton bag is minimal.
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