 Lipolysis - is one of the modern methods of liposuction without surgery. As a rule, people do lipolysis for those parts of the body, where the amount of body fat can not be reduced with the help of exercise or diet.


Injection lipolysis: questions and answers

  • What parts of the body most often exposed to correction by means of lipolysis?

Here, everything is individual: someone needs lipolysis stomach, someone - the buttocks or thighs. In addition, with the help of lipolysis often eliminate fat chin. It should be understood that lipolysis - is no way to reduce weight, but only a method of correction of the problem areas of the body. Do lipolysis is recommended only for people with normal weight who does not work to correct some figure flaws by any other means. When overweight and obesity lipolysis results are less noticeable.

  • What types of lipolysis there?

Currently, the most common injection lipolysis and laser lipolysis. During the procedure, the laser lipolysis cells are destroyed using a laser - more you talk about it below. For injection the lipolysis apply substances such as phosphatidylcholine and sodium deoxycholate - enzymes that damage the membranes of the fat cells, resulting in their contents into the surrounding tissue. From there, the fat enters the blood stream, and then - to the liver, and after a while naturally excreted from the body. It should be emphasized that after lipolysis cholesterol Cholesterin  Cholesterin
   and triglycerides in the blood is not changed.

  • How is the procedure of lipolysis?

The active substances are administered directly into the area where the deposits of subcutaneous fat. By themselves, the injection is almost painless, but after about fifteen minutes, patients experience itching, redness and swelling appears skin. Approximately two hours later the itch passes, the redness subsides and the swelling persists for about two weeks after the procedure. Within six to eight weeks, parts of the body that have undergone lipolysis can be overly sensitive, so it is advisable to avoid any pressure on them, and to refrain from any activities associated with an increased risk of injury. The final result of lipolysis can be assessed, only two months after the procedure.

  • How long is the procedure?

Lipolysis extends, on average, 20-30 minutes. The patient can start to work and even begin to moderately intensive training almost immediately after the procedure.

  • How many treatments are required to achieve a good cosmetic result?

Typically, patients need to do three or four treatments of lipolysis, as the process of splitting fat is quite slow. However, in some cases, a one or two procedures.

  • What are the benefits of lipolysis before liposuction?

The main advantage of lipolysis obvious - it does not involve surgery, and the procedure should not be longer recovery period. In addition, after lipolysis is no risk of fibrosis - a violation, which is a fairly common complication of liposuction. However, the liposuction there are significant advantages, most important of which is that it allows you to remove a lot more fat tissue than lipolysis, and thus achieve more tangible results.

  • What complications can cause lipolysis?

During and immediately after the procedure under the skin can develop extensive bruising. To reduce this risk to a minimum, patients are advised to temporarily stop taking medications that thin the blood, such as warfarin. In addition, there is a small risk of infection, though, if the procedure is carried out by experts, the probability of this is very low.

  • What results can you expect from lipolysis?

Due to the amount of lipolysis problem areas of the body may be reduced by 1-10 cm. Approximately 6% of patients have atypical reaction to the substances used for the injection lipolysis - they practically do not affect the fat tissue, and therefore, the procedure is unsuccessful. However, they can be an effective laser lipolysis. Resistance lipolysis outcome will depend on whether people maintain a healthy weight after the procedure. If it is to overeat and lead a sedentary lifestyle, to problem areas again soon formed deposits of subcutaneous fat. For this reason, lipolysis should do only those who seriously intend to lead a healthy lifestyle - eating right and exercise regularly.


Laser lipolysis

Laser lipolysis - this is probably the most common form of lipolysis at the moment. This technology allows precise work on problem areas, and "melting" subcutaneous fat right where it is needed.

A laser lipolysis can be removed not more than 500 ml of subcutaneous fat. If the amount of body fat more recommended to use other methods, such as liposuction.

Laser lipolysis is performed under local anesthesia. The skin type hollow tube having a diameter of about one millimeter, and through the laser beam directed to the adipose tissue. A laser as the substances mentioned above, destroys fat cells, after which they are withdrawn from the body. Typically, the entire procedure takes from one to two hours. After lipolysis patient is advised to remain in the hospital a couple of hours and then he can go home. The next day you can go back to work, but within one to two weeks is better to refrain from intense workouts.

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