Anna Snatkina
 Russian cinema screen of recent decades has become richer with new young talent. Among them in the first row of bright stars a few years holds one of the leading beauty Anna Snatkina. Her roles created screen image viewers are transported into the life of the actress, are associated with women's fate. Is this not proof of true faith admirers, score a job well done?

 Anna Snatkina "discovery" of Russian cinema

How it all began

The number "13" for the actress favorite: July 13, 1983 in Moscow in a family of aircraft manufacturers was born the eldest daughter, Anna. Name the parents came up long before the birth of first child, great-grandmother was the name of the girl. At first the family lived in a cramped crowded apartment in Tushino, where her younger sister Masha's even hard to find a place for a cot Cots - where your baby sleeps?  Cots - where your baby sleeps?

Anna grew restless, fought with the boys in the yard, and loved to drive in football with dad. In five years, the girl gave a section of gymnastics, where it has achieved considerable success. When Anna learned in the fifth grade, my parents moved into their own separate apartment, gym athlete changed on acrobatics. The first serious results in this sport - to win the championship of Moscow and Russian sports acrobatics with the youth team. On the artistic career for her daughter, and the parents could not think.

On his decision to become an actress Anna said only in the eighth grade, but dreamed of this long six years, as soon as I first saw the movie "The Bodyguard" with Whitney Houston in the title role. In high school, Anna began studying the Stanislavsky system and the history of Russian theater. Sports for girls was only a way to express, preserve the physical form.

 Anna Snatkina "discovery" of Russian cinema

First steps acting career

 Anna Snatkina
 In the tenth grade, Anna has attempted admission to VGIK, where she was advised to first finish school. Then she enrolled in training courses in the Shchukin School, and after graduating from high school filed documents once in three high school: VGIK, Moscow Art Theater School and GITIS. In the first two schools took abiturientku, Anna chose VGIK, as dreamed of working on kinoploschadke.

In the second year she got her first role in a movie, right in the landmark film "Moscow Saga" (Elka, Elena Kitaygorodskaya). The third course was marked by an invitation to a shooting in the series' plot "in the role of Nina Stasova. During these years, there is a serious physical injury - sports injuries affect doctors diagnosed intervertebral hernia Intervertebral hernia  Intervertebral hernia
   and "sentenced" to wearing tight corset Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era  Fashion Corset: new return of the Victorian era
   for long two years.

When all classmates Anna preparing for the graduation performance, the girl fell hail suggestions about the shooting. Years of struggle with illness, years of active surveys - biography of the actress turns into a filmography. "Plot", "Call", "Yesenin", "I will not return", "Doomed to become a star", "Pushkin. Last Duel "- is only the beginning of a long list of TV series and movies, which starred the young star of the screen.

 Anna Snatkina "discovery" of Russian cinema

And it's all about her

Soaps "Tatyana's Day" and "General Medicine" brought the actress general viewers love, she wrote letters to people of different ages, of her lovers sigh fans, ask for advice at all strangers. Today Anna Snatkina at the peak of his popularity. She was invited to the shooting of the show-programs - "Property of the Republic", "Who Wants to Be a Millionaire", "Relish", "Golden Gramophone". In the show "Dancing with the Stars" in 2007. Anna, along with her partner Yevgeny Grigorov was the winner.

Now she is removed immediately in several films and television series, tries herself on the stage. In his spare time, Anna Snatkina loves to go to the Russian bath in the pool, listen to the organ at the conservatory and read my favorite poets - AS Pushkin, N. Zabolotskikh, MY Lermontov.

 Anna Snatkina "discovery" of Russian cinema

Personal life

 Anna Snatkina
 This beauty tabloids pays maximum attention by attributing to it the dizzying novels with bright brutal co-star or famous businessmen, sportsmen. The actress about her private life spread does not like, considering it an intimate question and mystery.

Every now and then the page tabloid headlines are full of bright "Anna Snatkina married", where her potential husbands "matchmaker" that Moscow businessman Maxim, the partner in the series "General Medicine" Andrei Chernyshov. Journalists Anna gives the same answer, that in the first place for her career in film and theater. Smart, talented, beautiful actress dazzling many viewers personified a Russian woman challenging fate.

Overcoming illness, rushing toward the goal, confident passing through all the trials of life plus a fanatical love for the profession highlights Snatkina among actresses Anne-contemporaries. His style icons and profession actress Vivien Leigh believes, Alice Freundlich, Angelina Jolie and Irina Muravyov.

It will take quite some time, and the young actress who would come after him, perhaps, begin to learn from Anna Snatkina, trying to imitate her, will comprehend acting reincarnation.

Jeanne Pyatirikova

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