"Admiral": breakthroughs and failures
 Historical films - a complicated thing. It is difficult to remove them - expensive, incomprehensible and read a lot of literature is necessary. But this is not worst, worse temptation trapping director companions - fall into a deep pathos or go agitprop for money. Here we can recall and terrible, "The Barber of Siberia" Mikhalkov, and miserable "1612" Hotinenko and symptomatic "Servant of the sovereign" Lemnaceae. Do you think filmmakers condemn? Everyone wants to get into a story, or do it ...

The history of all fertile ground for fantasy and suggestions manipulations. Not for nothing are now in the Soviet era nostalgic history quietly considered the ideological departments - precisely because they are just there come and feel the history of man-made and is similar to the designer - how Fold and see. And believe.

The creators of "Admiral" does not seem to put such a frank task anything to impress the viewer. At least, it is certainly not on the surface. On the contrary: "Admiral" is positioned as a love drama against the background of turbulent historical events. Maybe if the director yet focused on any one aspect, the film turned out to be more successful.

It is, in fact, a major miscalculation - chasing two hares are a bit lost. And too carried away with simplification - also, incidentally, nothing. Although the explanation is lying on the surface: you need a native audience, Breastfed "Fire of Love", "The Circus Princess", "Ranetki" and "Kadetstvo"? What, really grim drama, the real story or maybe a fairy tale, desperate philosophical? Yes, for God's sake! Who will watch it! Keep it simple, the director, and to reach for you people!

You can argue for a long time that the film (well, what if statements of historical? ) All these details and reliability are not important, stupidity it is the husk, the main thing - the mood, blah blah blah. No, fortunately, trivia and meticulousness is important, often they are facing. Just to create them, it is necessary to have a certain talent that could not be found, and not educate. Necessary wait until born.

Well at least that the actors on the ground have already started after Russian quiet period will be born talented. Here Constantine Habensky incomparable. Perhaps too tired. Perhaps not without pathos. Maybe, too young and handsome. But its unique ability to transform, mimic and modify the environment around them is expensive. And indeed, as the It happens to the epochal landmark project invited the actors: matched Khabensky and Bezrukov, who managed to break away from the image of the village precinct with Esenin deja vu. Victor Wierzbicki - excellent, Beroev - well, Kovalchuk - passable, but Lisa Boyars ...

If the film is not so much about the history and time, and more about love woman why this woman - a doll? Probably, none of today's actresses for the role of Anna Vasilyevna Timireva so perfectly: the eyes Boyar, lips, hair, Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development  Hair: structure, characteristics of growth and development
   - Though she lost her lithographs of the early twentieth century. Dresses and hats Women's Hat: how to make the right choice  Women's Hat: how to make the right choice
 , An umbrella, a book - ah, how they complement the image! Empty eyes, unbreakable face, broken traffic and makes the word - they destroy not only Anna Vasilevnu, but half of the film. So much I wanted to keep the trio Habensky-Bezrukov-Boyar, which decided not to pay attention to the candid Elizabeth incompetent? Why historical mistakes motivate creators the fact that the tape of love, and frankly torn love story explain the historical basis of the tape?

Russian cinema has not ceased to be diagnosed. Relatives and favorite kinotvortsy not stopped the film to the film and re-mandatory the order to shoot "blockbusters" and "megaproryvy" - that no tape, so a find! Prophecy! "Finally"! Or even this: "Here, here! and we can not worse than they have! " In pursuit of the next "greatest" lost a good elementary and quality. And even something as terrible to see again on the poster in big letters "Breakthrough" ...

Sounding a nationwide rise from his knees more and more pronounced in the art of cinema - you can see already gone history remember. Only, I fear, if they are for the next project will not be invited Knightley, will write something about.

Natalia Rudenko

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