Irina Saltykov: in search of happiness
   Popular singer Irina Saltykov know almost everything. She has not appeared on the Russian stage, she literally fell on her in 1995, out of nowhere. Extremely frivolous video in conjunction with the song "gray eyes" provided in February 1995 known Irina Saltykov - former civil engineer, secretary-typist, singer variety of restaurant, owner of commercial tents. Biography Irina Saltykova resembles a patchwork quilt. Silk Shred, shred the wool, but was caught and worn, almost deryuzhny ...

Born future singer in the town of Novomoskovsk, Tula Region 5 May 1966. Father - a driver, mother - a teacher in a kindergarten. As a child, Irina engaged in artistic gymnastics, became a candidate for master of sports, but sports cast. According to her - because of the eccentric. Irina - one of those people who want to have everything quickly and immediately. Sport proved to be leisurely, all at once not given up and said goodbye to the sport.

After eight years of schooling followed by Civil Engineering (1981-1985 gg.), Then - Moscow Institute of Civil Engineering (1985-1990 gg.). Between college diploma and a diploma of the Institute Irina married Victor Saltykov, soloist of "Forum" (1985) and then was born and daughter Alice.

Marriage to a soloist of "Forum" led to the fact that instead of building site Irina started to work in the group "Mirage" second vocalist. However, not for long - only three months. Then the same express Irina Saltykov worked in variety of restaurant "Delhi".

Maybe everything would have gone well, perhaps Irina Saltykov eventually be wiped dust from the "construction" of the diploma, but came turbulent 90s when dropped everything, and for many urgent issue was the question of search of work.

In 1993 Irina Saltykov buying commercial tents. Sellers she had, as they say, very creative - dancers husband. In those days there were astonishing change professions. But Irina Saltykova business will not last long. Whether it had no entrepreneurial spirit, or something else. And most likely it influenced very unpleasant parting Parting: punctuation rules  Parting: punctuation rules
   with her husband, accompanied by quarrels and no delay slippers. Slippers something Viktor Saltykov, maybe left, but the dancers led. Left without vendors sold Irina tent. It was then, and began her career as a singer. It must be said - very successful.

Success Irina Saltykova ensures its character. The fact that it is - a person is tuned to tseledostizheniya. Collapse of the way it can not get any setbacks. Boredom - yes, the routine - a very simple, but if something does not work - it's just an extra incentive.

A simple example: Irina diving hobby. Dive to the bottom of the sea - it's really interesting, that to see with my own eyes underwater fairy tale, the dream of many. Not so much solved. Irina decided. But first dive was unsuccessful. Irina nearly drowned. Many in the circumstances and would have forgotten to think about diving. But Irina - on the contrary. The failure has led to the fact that diving she "fascinated crazy" - in her own words.

Irina Saltykov, talking about his first dive, said: "Most of all I hate when I do that it is impossible. I am ready to themselves and others into submission to take just to get conceived. " And this applies not only to diving. It - credo.

Another feature of the character of Irina Saltykov - do not look back. What is past - that has passed, it is still one credo of the singer. It is significant that, moving to a new apartment, she did not bring any old thing. "So I separated myself from my past ... in my house not find any old thing: no spoons, no plates, or even the" experienced "of indoor slippers. It seems that even the clothes ... completely changed ", - said Irina Saltykov.

But there Irina Saltykova goal that does not give it in her hand. Despite all the efforts. She is still alone. While the audience counts husbands and "intimate friends" of other pop singers, straying from the account, Irina Saltykova only account for her ex-husband, and ... and that's it. If the "intimate friends" is still possible to list, or at least suggested - who and when, here the singer's marriage clearly is not going well.

The usual consolation for Irina Saltykov in such a situation is the idea that all humans are alone, do not provide a surround feel it deep loneliness Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?  Loneliness - this is not new, or why am I still alone?
 . Well, the "others" the singer is always more than enough. "Everyone one, but we do not always feel it, and I is not going to feel," - says Irina Saltykov followed by millions of divorced and unmarried women.

Curiously, divorced Irina Saltykov, never met his life partner has an accurate idea of ​​what is required for marital happiness. In conversations with journalists she confidently talks about what degree of freedom should be given to the man, to make him feel comfortable and not break through somewhere to escape from the "comely chatterbox-zadushevnitsey (ie, how to determine the length of the leash to her husband), how to handle her husband, so that he is not tired of family life and so on. No, this is - not cocky pop stars, it's all the same to her mood tseledostizheniya. Irina Saltykov was really "recipe for happiness", it remains only to find someone to whom she could make it.

  Sofia Vargan

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