Kristen Stewart: a thriller in life
 The American girl Kristen Stewart had no other option as to connect his life with the "Dream Factory". Firstly, April 9, 1990, it was born not just anywhere, but in Los Angeles, almost in the same Hollywood, where for nearly 100 years are the most popular in the world of movies. Secondly, could not affect heredity - the girl's father, John Stewart, worked and is still working on the channel «Fox» (director and producer), and his mother, Jules Mann-, working on the same channel screenwriter.

So if Kristen sooner or later plunged headlong into show business, it could cause a surprise. However, surprising still have something - that health and rich career, which already boasts Kristen Stewart in his 19 years. Already it was released nearly two dozen films with her participation, and in fact only been announced this year, three more films in which you will see Stewart in all its splendor. And you should pay special attention to, because it is the abundance of a record Stewart movie, which to some extent can be called psychological or mystical thriller, if not horror movies.

Kristen began acting career, which is typical for Hollywood stars of the latest generation, with the school theater. At the age of eight in one of these productions I noticed her Hollywood agent, who drew attention to the girl's parents that it would be good to encourage and develop the obvious acting skills growing up Miss Stewart. Curiously themselves Mr. and Mrs. Stewart enthusiastic on the subject did not show, but very little Kristen just did hit on the idea of ​​becoming an actress. Since then, the parents had to drive a daughter on auditions in various films and TV series. And a year later, in the 1999th, Kristen Stewart appeared, albeit briefly, on the screens of America in the project "The Thirteenth Year".

A feature of career Kristen Stewart is the fact that almost immediately she became a star in a very serious, not a children's movie, and very serious, although children, roles. So she was able to avoid the plume lightweight comedy roles, which almost inevitably acquire many new shoot from early childhood actors. For the second role of Kristen in the movie melodrama became part of the independent director Rose Trochu "The Safety of Objects" (2001), in which the girl went to the image of his daughter, he brings up a single mother.

The first of two major breakthroughs (at the moment) in the career of Kristen was definitely a role in the thriller "Panic Room", shot by the legendary director David Fincher (suffice it to say that he is the director of the legendary film "Seven") in 2002. In the story of the house where the mother and daughter burst into criminals. They are looking for something completely different, but it so happens that women and girls have seen their faces and can become unwanted witnesses. Trying to get to the criminals locked in a room mother and daughter, and create an atmosphere of tension and fear. Filming began to Kristen invaluable professional experience, because its partners were great Jodie Foster, winner of the "Oscar" Forest Whitaker and Hollywood stars Patrick Basho and Jared Leto.

In the future, Kristen starred in mostly serious films with a heavy atmosphere .  And it is not her fault that some of them were unclaimed wide audience and not too friendly received by critics - his whist Stewart gained properly .  So, she starred in such films as "Cold Creek Manor" (its partners are Dennis Quaid and Sharon Stone), "Undertow", "Speak", "In the Land of Women," "The Wilderness" and other .  This actress was trying not to go too far just one line and "lit up" in such comedic projects as "Catch That Kid," "Zathura .  Space Adventure "," What Just Happened "(with stars such as Robert De Niro and Bruce Willis) .  But, of course, brought her international fame cast a second breakthrough - a major role in the sensational romantic mystical thriller "Twilight," which has become one of the most prominent cinema events of the last year .  The role of Bella Swan, the girl fell in love with a vampire, the actress made a really well-known and high-profile role she provided at least the next few years .  In November 2009, the premiere of the movie "Twilight .  Saga .  New Moon "; likely will be filmed two more "Twilight" project .  So while Kristen Stewart for his professional future can not worry .

Alexander Babitsky

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