• Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time
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 permanent eye makeup
 I want to be always beautiful, but not everyone can spend hours in front of a mirror, carefully applying makeup. If you lack the time, the perfect solution would be a permanent eye makeup Eye makeup: the rules and nuances That will remain attractive at any time of the day or night, at work and at home, in the pool and in the sauna. This makeup gives confidence How to gain confidence in themselves?  How to gain confidence in themselves?
   and it allows you to always feel at altitude.

 Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time

Evolution Tattoo

The idea to make a person more beautiful with the help of a tattoo is not new. The first tattoos appeared in ancient Egypt, and at the end of the nineteenth century there were special arrangements for the rapid introduction of color pigments in the thickness of the epidermis. Permanent makeup technology is constantly being improved, the procedure becomes less painful and more efficient. For modern permanent makeup using special hypo-allergenic dyes, which allows you to store for a long time: from six months to seven years.

Many believe that the tattoo and permanent make-up - it's the same thing. This is misleading. Permanent make-up - it is such a kind of tattoo, in which pigments are introduced into the skin deep, for a maximum of one millimeter. When tattooing depth of insertion of the dye can be up to two millimeters. In addition, permanent make-up using only natural pigments without synthetic additives. These dyes do not cause allergies and give a more natural result. Over time, the paint will become less bright and makeup - less noticeable. This means that the procedure can be repeated.

 Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time

To not do without the permanent make-up

 permanent eye makeup
 Popularity of permanent makeup is easy to explain. A rare woman has the ideal features that do not require correction. Tattoo lets you change the shape of the eyes and make them imperceptible asymmetry. At the same time, you can not worry about makeup smeared or washed away - make-up and called a permanent because he fears neither heat nor moisture, nor random movements.

Permanent makeup can save considerable time. Now in the morning is enough to put on a cleansed face moisturizer and foundation, without worrying about how to allocate eyes with eyeliner. The face looks naturally beautiful and it seems that its owner is so good that just does not need to use cosmetics. The colors chosen for the permanent makeup most natural: a couple of shades darker shade of hair. In the evening, a make-up is always possible to make brighter using makeup.

Permanent makeup can not only significantly change the shape of the eyes and make them visually larger and visually give the lashes extra volume. For this is the so-called "mezhresnichnaya" eyeliner: along the lash line applied small dots that seemed thicker eyelashes.

 Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time

Disadvantages of the procedure and contraindications

 permanent eye makeup
 You can not argue that the permanent make-up will suit everyone. The main advantage of such makeup - resistance - is both its main drawback. After all, if the make-up applied unsuccessfully to correct it can be very difficult. Unfortunately, sometimes even the best craftsmen can not guarantee the result: a lot depends on the individual patient. It does not fit the procedure and those who like to experiment with make-up: the fantasy in this case will be limited to permanent circuits. It should be borne in mind that, despite the use of pain medication, the procedure can be quite painful, because the skin of the eyelids has high sensitivity.

We have procedures and medical conditions. For example, permanent makeup Permanent make-up - Details of the procedure  Permanent make-up - Details of the procedure
   you can not do those who suffer from insulin-dependent diabetes. The procedure should be avoided in the presence of any skin diseases such as psoriasis. Reduced blood clotting due to any disease or medication also relates to contraindications. Refuse to have permanent makeup pregnant and lactating women, those who suffer from epilepsy, asthma and any acute inflammatory diseases. When cancer and a tendency to form keloids do permanent make-up is also impossible.

 Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time

Equipment and materials

 permanent eye makeup
 For permanent makeup are extremely used disposable instruments, so the transmission of some infections with their totally excluded. Needles for injection dyes are made of special stainless steel alloy, nickel and platinum. The special form allows you to enter the needle under the skin pigments, while the minimum injuring delicate eyelid skin. More recently, masters began to use special needles soldered to each other in a staggered manner - this tool allows you to easily perform flat shading lines perfectly natural effect.

For permanent makeup is used solely allergenic dyes, pigments containing organic (plant) and inorganic (mineral) origin. Plant pigments are different variety of colors, but are rapidly destroyed. Mineral dyes are more resistant, but under ultraviolet light, they gradually fade, makeup is becoming less and less bright.

Since the procedure is quite painful and delicate skin around the eyes is different sensitivity to permanent makeup skin necessarily processed anesthetics. Besides sprays and skin creams are used as special effect droplet anesthetic for the eye. These tools can reduce the pain to a minimum procedure.

 Permanent eye makeup: the result of a long time

 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup
 Eye Makeup
  • Eye Makeup

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