Twilight star Robert Pattinson
   Hollywood in its history has used the actor's, director's and other professional resources all over the world. But over the past two decades, the international character of the main "American Idol" has become abundantly clear: it is enough to see a list of Hollywood stars (actors and directors) to discover the growing number of non-US celebrities. From this perspective, the traditionally strong position of the British acting school. Explain it is pretty easy as a single linguistic base, and huge English theater tradition, dating back to the roots of the great Shakespeare.

It is not surprising that a growing number of Hollywood's new generation of stars born with Albion. Just like Robert Pattinson, actor, musician, and to some degree model.

Robert Pattinson, whose birthday fell on May 13, 1986, the most that neither is a resident of the capital, a Londoner of neaktёrskoy family .  The fact that the theater was not in the family Pattinson anything significant, shows at least the fact that both the older sister of Robert, Lizzie and Victoria, have nothing to do aktёrstvu (the first composer and singer, the second one is actively engaged in political activity) .  But the boy from childhood found on the scene in the game is something that you are a special echo in his soul .  Moreover, the other major interests in the childhood Robert was not: the mastery of the curriculum went at it tight at the age of 12 he was even expelled from the school (although the exact reason for this poor performance or disciplinary reasons, still remains unknown) .  By the time he had participated in amateur theater productions, on stage that his talent was finally seen .  When Pattinson turned 15, he was invited to the theater troupe Barnes Theatre Club, where he played for several years and, in particular, has been involved in Shakespeare's "Macbeth" .

 Robert Pattinson - Twilight Star

Robert Pattison - stellar career

With regard to the circumstances of the coming of Robert in the film industry is no unambiguous information, other than that he was there as a non-professional actor, whom he is to this day .  The vast majority of biographies of Robert Pattinson stated that the first film credits the actor had a recurring role in the international Gizelhera the TV movie "The Ring of the Nibelungs", filmed in 2004 (working on the painting "filmmakers" from Great Britain, Germany, Italy and the United States) .  At the same time, Robert himself in an interview mentioned that for the first time in the movie, he starred in "Christmas" .  However, it does not matter - quickly knocked on the door Pattinson great success as an international casting traveled kinoblokbaster "Harry Potter and the Goblet of Fire" (2005) .  Needless to say that every young actor, appearing in the film Harry Potter at least with a few phrases, gets a chance to be seen as the audience and producers .  That's what happened with Robert .  After playing the role of Cedric Diggory in "Goblet of Fire", he was, first, a similar role in the continuation Harry Potter "Harry Potter and the Order of the Phoenix" (2007), and secondly, began her modeling career .

In addition to this mega-project, as "Harry Potter," a record of Robert in 2008, there were a few minor or secondary roles, but none of them can be called truly significant (for example, frames with Pattinson were cut from the roll version of the film " Vanity Fair "and are available only in the DVD-edition) .  But here, Pattinson was lucky: he heard about a casting in the film based on Stephenie Meyer's bestselling "Twilight", which tells about the hard vampire share in the human world, Robert decided to go to them .  The most curious thing is that he, in general, and was not going to audition for the lead role - he just wanted to get acquainted with actress Kristen Stewart, at that time already approved for the role of Bella .  But it so happened that he was present on the samples Stephenie Meyer originally saw in the image of the main character, Edward Cullen, another artist, considered that Robert Pattinson is the most convincing, emotional and believable in the role of vampire vegetarian .

What happened next is well known - the film "Twilight" became one of the most successful paintings in 2008, and Robert overnight from a promising young actor became a rising star (helped, and such popular now busy young man, as the business model and the game on the synthesizer in a band). Producers immediately launched into the production of two films based on novels by Stephenie Meyer sequels, the main role in which, naturally, will perform Pattinson. The movie "New Moon" to be released in the world rolled in the fall of 2009, and film "Eclipse" will be released approximately in the summer of 2010.

  Alexander Babitsky

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